The #DemocratsDeliver hashtag and slogan has been used by the Democratic Party nationally and here in California recently. You’ve probably seen it on social media or in your email. And, why not? It’s short, it’s sweet, and it’s accurate.
The Blue Wave Tides of our Democratic Party are rolling in a positive direction toward possible Democratic control of Congress in the coming November elections. Moving forward, Democrats must be united on all levels to continue this momentum working for the election of our candidates.
Read moreBody Snatchers…or…. What Happened to the Old You?
If you remember the original 1950s movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers, you remember how terrifying it was… And I’ll add, symbolically prophetic.
Read moreHypocrisy and the GOP
Hypocrisy seems to be a cornerstone of GOP reasoning these days. Be it the price of gas, the murder of school children, the intrusion of government into our private lives, or a myriad of other issues, GOP candidates are serving as contortionists to justify their platform positions.
Read moreAdventures in Volunteering
Communicating with voters directly is the best way to get them to support your candidate or position. Placer DCC offers several ways to help get our message out to voters. For all of these, volunteers are needed to deliver the message in any successful Get Out the Vote (GOTV) campaign.
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