The Placer County Democratic Party raises money throughout the year to be able to support our local candidates with mailers, phone banking, text banking, and more. The Placer County Democratic Central Committee also incurs operational expenses to comply with state law and to keep it functioning as a governing body. These expenses add up and that is why we rely on you and other Placer County Democrats for financial support.
It is your donations that allow the Placer County Democratic Party to focus on electing Democrats and advocating for Democratic values. Please donate or become a recurring donor through ActBlue. Becoming a recurring donor is an easy way to donate, which is an immense boost to our party by allowing us to better budget our funds. By becoming a recurring donor of at least $10 a month, you become one of our TRUE BLUE Donors.
You may also write a check made out to “Placer Victory Fund” and mail it to:
Placer County Democratic Party
Attn: Placer Victory Fund
P.O. Box 423
Roseville, Ca 95678
Please do not send certified checks.
Move Placer Forward
Every dollar makes a difference.
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