Common Grounds Meet Up
Join local Democrats and Progressives for a casual monthly meet-up on the 4th Sunday of each month. RSVP: https://www.mobilize.us/cadems/event/746700/

Placer Action Network (in-person)
Join members of Placer Action Network on the 2nd Tuesday of each month as we take action to elect Democrats in Placer County up and down the ballot.

24 Hour Economic Blackout
To protest the Trump-Musk agenda, a large number of groups, organizations, and individuals are planning a 24 hour economic blackout.

Placer Action Network Earth Day Festival at Sierra College
Placer Action Network is hosting a booth at Sierra College’s Earth Day Festival! The festival is on Thursday, April 25th from 10 am - 3 pm. If you are interested in staffing our booth, please use the link to RSVP. But you can also stop by to chat and learn more about PAN! For more information, contact placeractionnetwork@gmail.com

Bridging Divides
Bridging Divides: It’s Not About Facts, It’s About Relationships!
At a time of rising polarization between political parties and with so much at stake in the upcoming election, we’ve invited a representative of Bridging Divides to coach us in the art of listening to one another and engaging in respectful conversations to overcome the toxic divides at the heart of today’s culture wars.
Presented by Dr. Ken Futernick, a lifelong educator, writer, and educational consultant to schools, school districts, and policymakers across the United States
Join the Lincoln Democratic Club for this important event.
Lincoln Democratic Club Monthly Meeting
Preservation Hall, Kilaga Springs Lodge
1167 Sun City Blvd, Lincoln, CA 95648
Please contact Ruth Cox if you have questions: cox_ruth@hotmail.com or 805-906-6159

January Playdate
The Roseville Junction Democratic Club is hosting a playdate on January 20th from 1-2:30 pm. This is an opportunity for families with children to meet like-minded families and make new friends. The playdate is at the Riley Library on Pleasant Grove Blvd in Roseville. Please RSVP to Cassie Lin cassiemlin@gmail.com

Join AADC at the Mountain Mandarin Festival
Join AADC at this year’s Mountain Mandarin Festival.
The annual Mountain Mandarin Festival, takes place every year in November with the new crop of delicious, foothills-grown Mandarin oranges.
Placer County growers will sell thousands of pounds of fresh Mandarin oranges and gift baskets, accompanied by all the free samples you like. Join in the fun with food, artisan crafts, and activities featuring the Mandarin orange and music!
AADC can use your help staffing a table. Contact Rosalie Wohlfromm at rwohlfromm@att.net

Join the Roseville Junction Democratic Club for a night of fun and laughs as we have a game night. We will be playing various games including potentially Family Feud and Pictionary. This event is free and all Placer County Democrats are welcome to attend. We encourage you to bring food or drinks to share or even a good group game. The game night will be Saturday, November 4 th at 5:00pm. This event will be hosted at Elaine Westendorf’s house in Granite Bay (same home as RJDC’s trivia night). Address will be provided upon RSVP. Please wear warm socks or bring slippers as shoes are not worn in the house.
RSVP at https://forms.gle/15J6nsSiGLur3hE87
Please contact Nick Bennett, rjdemocraticclub@gmail.com if you have questions.

PWD presents Coffee with a Candidate
In the first of a series of events, Placer Women Democrats (PWD) will be hosting Coffee with a Candidate at the Village General Store and Refillery 500 Vernon St., Roseville. The first event is Saturday, October 28th from 10 AM-12 noon.
We will feature Neva Parker, candidate for CA Assembly District 5. Join us for coffee and pastries while meeting Neva and hearing her positions on important topics.
Please RSVP, so we can anticipate the number of attendees for this event. And share this with like-minded friends!

Trivia Is Back
Gather your team. Plan your costume.
The Placer Action Network is bringing back our most popular event—Trivia Night.
Mark your calendar now. Space is limited so don’t miss out.
TICKETS NOW ON SALE $25 includes pizza, soft drinks, and trivia play

Join PWD at the Loomis Eggplant Festival
Join PWD for this fun event.
The Loomis Eggplant Festival has been a staple in the community for 35 years, bringing residents and visitors together to celebrate the town’s vibrant culture and charm. The festival highlights unique activities, delicious food, live entertainment, and engaging vendor booths.
If you’re interested in more information, please contact Cynthia Davis cynthiadavis3kids54@gmail.com

Roseville Junction Democratic Club Fundraising Wine Luncheon
Please join the Roseville Junction Democratic Club for our fundraiser lunch at Pescatore Winery on Sunday, September 17, as we enjoy excellent food and wine and raise money to support candidates in 2024.
Where: Pescatore Winery - 7055 Ridge Road, Newcastle, CA 95658.
When: Sunday, September 17 from noon to 3:00pm
Price: Tickets are $50 per person https://secure.actblue.com/donate/rjdc2023
Meal: Chicken marsala with a vegan marsala as an option. Wine tasting included.
We are currently looking at holding a chocolate pull or raffle and providing some items for auction. If you would like to donate chocolate at a minimum $20 value or know any businesses that may be interested in donating goods or services, please send an email to rjdemocraticclub@gmail.com.
To request the vegan marsala or if you have other dietary needs, please fill out this form:

Lincoln Democratic Club Summer Celebration Dinner
The Lincoln Democratic Club would like to invite you to attend a Summer Celebration dinner on July 20 at the Orchard Creek ballroom in Sun City Lincoln Hills. Our keynote speaker will be Betty Yee, Vice Chair of the California Democratic party and a confirmed candidate for Governor in 2026. Be one of the first to hear Betty’s vision for California’s future and what we can do now to support our party and Democratic candidates. Reservations for the Italian buffet dinner (includes vegetarian options) are $45 per person. Doors open at 5 pm, Join us to enjoy a no host bar, the company of like minded people, a delicious dinner and an outstanding leader and speaker. Here is the link to make your reservation: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/july20buffet
Questions? Email June Paquette paquettedj@gmail.com

First Annual Chili Cook-Off & Party
Chili anyone? Grab your crockpot and win a prize....AND bragging rights! We will have special chili judges, including Jessica Morse!! Sign up today. All proceeds go to our supported candidates for 2024! Cheers!!
To sign up with your $50 donation go to : https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2023cookoff
If you'd like to be a contestant for the cookoff, please email boardpwd@gmail.com with your recipe/ingredients.

Playdate in the Park
Playdate in the Park is an opportunity for Democrats in West Roseville with children not yet in school to meet and find ways to support each other while their kids can play and have fun! To register for the event, click HERE.
Sponsored by the Roseville Junction Democratic Club. For more information, email rjdemocraticclub@gmail.com

Caution: This Tote Bag May Contain Banned Books
The recent campaigns to ban books are just another way to attack our educational system, keeping people fearful and suspicious. Think it can’t happen here? Ask any school librarian and they’ll tell you it does. Extremist school board members are partnering with local mega churches and The American Council, Destiny’s PAC, to undermine teacher autonomy, censor curriculum, ban books, and target LGBTQIA+ students.
Want to show where you stand? Order one of our tote bags and help us support progressive candidates for our local school boards.
Questions? Email placeractionnetwork@gmail.com

Catalyst Democratic Club - Postcard Writing
Join the Catalyst Democratic Club for a fun filled couple of hours of postcard writing to get out the vote for our endorsed candidates Dr. Kermit Jones- US Congress, Rebecca Chenoweth - CA Assembly District 5, and Paula Villescaz - CA State Senate District 6.

AADC Fall Fundraiser is Back!
The Auburn Area Democratic Club is planning a wonderful evening of food, drink, good company, and some words of wisdom from our great candidates. Join us to support them!
Sunday, September 25, 4pm to 6pm, at Auburn Recreation Park 123 Recreation Street
Tickets on sale at www.auburnAreaDemocrats.com
Advance Purchase $35 ;Advance Purchase Couples $50 ;Same Day Admission $40
Includes Taco Bar, Dessert Bar, Non-alcoholic Beverages, BYOB,
Door Prizes, Silent Auction, Speakers and Wonderful Like-Minded Company!
If you cannot attend, please consider a donation. All proceeds are used to support our candidates.
If you are feeling ill or may have COVID, please do not attend. Masks are optional (outdoor event).

The AADC is requesting volunteers to staff our Placer County Democratic Party Booth for the Auburn Home and Garden Show. Entry Tickets will be provided to volunteers. Hours Open:
2 Hour Volunteer Slots (Saturday has one 3-hour slot)
September 23, 2022, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
September 24, 2022, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
September 25, 2022, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Volunteers can sign up by contacting Rosie Wohlfromm at 530 886-8199, or by email at rwohlfromm@att.net.

Join us for this unique and powerful event for Dr. Kermit Jones at Maidu on Sept 22. Special host committee: State Controller Betty Yee and Vice Chair CA Democratic Party, State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Jessica Morse, Colonel Pat Thompson and Barbara Brass,Placer Women Democrats and Jackie Smith
Special Guest: Nate Gowdy, photographer for Rolling Stone and others and author of ‘Insurrection”. Nate will give a detailed account of the Jan. 6 Insurrection and his experience shooting that event as well as his actual firsthand account of being in the crowd that stormed the Capitol. Nate will have books available for you to purchase.

The Placer Action Network presents The Future of Education Forum
Join us Tuesday, September 13 at 6:30pm for our Future of Education Forum. We will have candidates from local school board races representing elementary and high school districts. Listen in and hear candidate platforms in a moderated Q&A format. As we get closer to the event, we will update this notice with the names of the candidates attending the forum. See you on Zoom!
Pre-registration is required: bit.ly/PAN_Forum

Meet Scott Alvord in the Orchard Creek Solarium at Lincoln Sun City
District Two Voters! Do you have friends or neighbors who have not yet heard Scott Alvord speak? Please invite them to join you to meet and speak with Scott about his experience as a businessman, economic development expert, and Roseville City Councilman, and learn about his vision for Placer County. www.talktoscott.org
Scott is running to represent us on the non-partisan Placer County Board of Supervisors. He deserves the support of No Party Preference and Republican voters as well as Democrats. It makes a huge difference when people are invited to an event by someone they know. Be that person!
Sponsored by the Democratic Club of Lincoln.

5th Annual PAN Ice Cream Social --Rescheduled from 7/12
This is the 5th annual Placer Action Network Ice Cream Social. The ice cream bars (and root beer floats) will be cold and the games will be plentiful. Put together a team for our trivia game, challenge your friends to a cornhole contest, and bring the kids (or yourself) to get a face painting. And it’s all FREE.
If you ordered one of our Banned Books Tote Bag, you’ll be able to pick it up this evening and additional bags will be available for purchase.
Questions? Email placeractionnetwork@gmail.com

PWD BBQ at the Park
Join us for a BBQ in the Park on July 23, 2022 at Johnson-Springview Park, 5480 5 th St., Rocklin, CA from 11:00am-2:00pm
Bring the family —we’ll have games for the kiddos, meet the candidates, share a meal with friends!
Asking members with last name A-L to bring a side dish and last name M-Z to bring drinks or a
dessert. PWD will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and a vegetarian option.
This BBQ will take the place of our monthly meeting for July 2022.
Event is free, but please register on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/378678306007

Catalyst Happy Hour
We are excited to announce that we have had several great people step up to serve on our board and want to introduce them to our members. We will be sending out an email ballot at the end of the month asking you to vote for the new slate of officers that will lead Catalyst in 2022 and beyond.
The event will be held outdoors. We hope to see you there! You are more than welcome to bring a friend:)
Please RSVP to Susan at susan@persistentstrategies.com