Auburn Area Democratic Club

The Auburn Area Democratic Club serves the Foothills area of Placer County. We meet the 1st Thursday of the month.

6:00 pm-6:30 pm is $5 pizza and social time

The meeting runs from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm and is held downstairs in the Rose Room at Auburn City Hall. 1225 Lincoln Way

Contact phone: (530) 537-9025 Website:

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 6851 Auburn, CA 95604


President - Bex Campbell
Vice President - Neva Parker
Secretary - Leslie Moonshine
Treasurer - Gail Bartlow
Representation to Central Committee - Vacant
Fundraising Committee Chair - Vacant
Membership Comm - Sandy Floyd
Voter Outreach Committee Chair - Mark Havener
Communications Committee Chairs - Julann Brown and Susan Roughgarden
Events Committee Chair - Dorian Seamster