Mission Statement

The Placer County Democratic Central Committee shall focus its efforts within the County of Placer; to advance the goals of the Democratic Party (hereinafter called the Party), through public policy and political issue analysis, education, fund-raising, recruitment, coordination with other Democratic groups, and other activities to benefit the Party.

The Party shall seek to publicize activities, and to build its membership from registered Democrats within the county. All factions of the Party shall reflect inclusion, diversity, equity, and anti-racism, as exhibited by inclusive policies, diversified volunteer engagement, and public awareness of the culture commitments of this organization.

Placer County Democratic Party Emblem Logo
Flag of California

The Placer County Democratic Party (Placer County Central Committee) affirms and supports the platform of the California Democratic Party


Platform of the California Democratic Party

The California Democratic Party will fight to defend and promote the rights, opportunities, and safety of all Californians. 

We envision:

  • A California that leads the world as a model of rural and economic prosperity rooted in economic justice;

  • An excellent public education system, from pre-K through college, to empower our youth to reach their full potential;

  • A universal, single-payer health care system;

  • A good union jobs;

  • Sustainably planned communities;

  • A strong democracy from the workplace to the federal government;

  • A secure and peaceful world.

Because climate change presents an existential threat to the future of humanity, we will fight to:

  • Protect our air, water, and natural resources through renewable energy;

  • Locate affordable housing near public transportation;

  • Develop innovative technology to reduce our carbon footprint.

We honor, celebrate, and work to support a diverse California, including immigrant communities, veterans, artists, children, and seniors.

We believe in equality, liberty, and justice for all:

  • The right of a woman to reproductive healthcare and the ability to choose her own future;

  • The right to fair treatment in the criminal justice system;

  • The right to equal access for those with disabilities;

  • The right to free speech;

  • The right to live without fear of hate crimes or gun violence.

This Platform defends and promotes these values that support all people’s hopes and dreams for a vibrant future, founded in an affirmative understanding of the intersectional nature of social and economic equity.

The above document is an abridged version adapted from the CADEM website. Please visit the CADEM website for the full platform.

The Complete Platform of the California Democratic Party