Placer County Democratic Party


Our local Democratic Clubs are the strength and source of Democratic Activism in the Placer County Area. Placer County Democratic Party currently has multiple chartered Democratic Clubs.

Active Clubs

Auburn Area Democratic Club

Democrats of Sun City Roseville

Lincoln Democratic Club

Placer Action Network

Placer Women Democrats

Tahoe Truckee Democrats (affiliated with the Nevada County Democratic Party)

What Joining a Club Means

  • Community and shared environment where members can discuss issues of mutual concern

  • Promoting candidates, policies and ideals of the Democratic Party,

  • Providing an opportunity for citizens to participate significantly in the conduct of public affairs

  • Observing the political actions of elected officials representing jurisdictions within which members of the club may live

  • Studying and taking positions on public policy issues

  • Tracking progress of legislation and administrative actions affecting issues on which the club has taken a position

  • Engaging in actions to persuade policymakers to support the club’s positions

  • Increasing voter registration

  • Supporting the Placer County Democratic Central Committee in its activities.

Photo by Chris Allan, @auburnchrisallanphoto, 8 Mar. 2025

Infographic of Placer County Democratic Party structure with CADEM, PCDCC, and Chartered Clubs.

Forming a New Club

If you’re interested in forming a club in your area, please contact us.

According to State by-laws, any organization which uses the name “Democrat” and raises money must obtain a charter from the County Central Committee of the county in which they operate. In order to be a chartered Democratic club an organization must have:

  • A minimum of 20 registered Democrats, a majority of whom reside in the same Assembly District and/or belong to the group the club intends to represent (youths from 16 to 18 may join if they sign a statement that it is their intent to register as a Democrat at 18).

  • A set of bylaws which establishes annual dues, nomination, election and term of officers and a regular meeting schedule.

  • All general program meetings must be open to the public.

  • Clubs may make endorsements in non-partisan elections but may not endorse, support, encourage or help non-Democratic candidates in partisan and non-partisan elections.

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