Placer County Democratic Party
Our Standing Committees do the work of the Placer County Democratic Central Committee. They are comprised of members of our Central Committee as well as member of our community.
Many Hands Make Light Work
If you would like to join one of these committees and help contribute to the success of our Central Committee, please reach out to Chair Nick Bennett at
Candidate Development
The Candidate Development Sub-Committee has jurisdiction for:
Candidate recruitment, training, and support
Recommendations for campaign contributions.
Recommendations for candidate endorsements.
Recommendations for endorsements of local ballot propositions.
Julann Brown chairs this committee and meets on the fourth Monday of the month via Zoom
Committee Members
Julann Brown, Chairperson
The Fundraising Committee shall identify fundraising opportunities, and plan fundraising events.
Additionally, this committee works closely with the controller to determine operational funding needs, develops an annual calendar for the committee’s activities, and reviews all previous year fundraising activity and makes recommendations for improvements for new fiscal year.
Committee Members
The Communications Committee shall determine the modes by which the Central Committee will communicate with its members, with Democratic activists, and with Democratic voters in Placer County. The Communications committee will set up and manage the modes of communication.
Committee Members
Robert Gonzalez, Chairperson
The Governance Committee shall recommend changes to the Central Committee’s Bylaws, and provide advice concerning any questions that might arise about the interpretation of the Bylaws.
The Governance Committee shall be responsible for review of club charter applications and club re-certification applications. This committee will review applications and submit recommendations to the PCDCC on decisions of club charters.
Committee Members
Deana Rhoades, Chairperson
Community Engagement
The Community Engagement Committee Mission Statement:
The mission of the Placer County Democratic Party Community Engagement Committee is to organize, promote, and facilitate activities that inform and engage the voters of Placer County as we establish and sustain core democratic values—one voter, one issue, and one election at a time.
This committee is chaired by Barbara Smith and meets the first Tuesday of the month via Zoom
Committee Members
Barb Smith, Chairperson
The Legislative Committee will track legislation passing through various state governmental committees, present a full bill analysis, research bill amendments and revisions, draft a statement of pros and cons, align with other coalition or advocacy groups, and attend hearings in order to build mutually beneficial alliances. The Legislative Committee may recommend that the PCDCC endorse or oppose legislation.
Committee Members
Terry Rodriquez, Chairperson
The Resolutions Committee shall review resolutions referred to the committee and make recommendations as to the resolutions the Plafer County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC) should endorse.
The Resolutions committee chair is currently vacant.
Read more about the Resolutions committee
Committee Members
Public Events
The Public Events works to register Democratic voters throughout Placer County. Members of the committee help to staff events and festivals at different times of the year to interact with voters.
The committee is chaired by Joe Mlakar.
Committee Members
Joe Mlakar, Chairperson