Placer County Democratic Party
Supporting Gender Pay Equality
WHEREAS, sixty (60) years ago the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed to protect against wage discrimination based on sex, because at that time, women who worked full-time all year made 59 cents on average for every dollar earned by men and still, in 2023 only earn approximately 84 cents to each man’s dollar; and
WHEREAS, the Women’s Bureau of the US Dept of Labor under the Biden administration has prioritized the promotion of pay equity given women must work until March 14th to earn what men earned in the previous year showing the gap between women and men’s pay still exists decades after the Equal Pay Act of 1963; and
WHEREAS, most of the disparity in women and men’s pay cannot be explained by measurable differences between them and education is not enough to eliminate the gender wage gap because women have more years of education and are more likely than men to have completed Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the PCDCC supports gender pay equality and advocates for the enactment and enforcement of policies and legislation on the local, state and federal levels to eliminate the gender pay gap.
Adopted by the Placer County Central Committee on August 9, 2023
Resolution in Support of an Expansive View of Liberty
Whereas liberty is freedom from arbitrary and unreasonable restraint upon an individual; and
Whereas Supreme Court decisions based on liberty have protected Americans from unwarranted government interference in one’s right to privacy in marital, familial, and sexual matters, including one’s right to make reproductive choices, marry interracially or to same-sex partners, or prevent unplanned pregnancies; and
Whereas the Dobbs decision now allows states to deny health care choices, including abortion, placing other liberty-based decisions in jeopardy of also being denied and in recognition of this threat, on December 13, 2022, President Joe Biden signed into law HR 8404, Respect For Marriage Act, to prevent further denial of marriage equality by individual states.
Therefore, be it resolved that liberties not explicitly defined in the Constitution’s text should not be based solely on tradition but should expand to include freedoms that evolve over time with the progression of society, such as who can vote and who can marry.
Be it further resolved that the Placer County Democratic Central Committee supports an expansive view of liberty including the right to personal liberty regarding procreation, childbirth, contraception, and marriage, and asserts that the Constitution protects bodily integrity, contemporary norms, and rejects ideas defined by decisions made at a time when society was less inclusive.
Passed by the Placer County Democratic Central Committee on January 11, 2023.
Support for Innovative Solutions to Homelessness in Placer County
WHEREAS, persons of low socioeconomic status are at significantly heightened risk of losing stable housing resulting in homelessness; and the absence of safe, stable, affordable housing negatively impacts physical and mental health functioning, social and emotional wellbeing, nutrition, education, employment, and training opportunities; academic success, family cohesion, and the ability to exercise individual rights and responsibilities; and
WHEREAS, as of the 2020 Point in Time Count, the number of people experiencing homelessness is increasing and there is a lack of shelter available for the unhoused, especially those with mental health or substance abuse conditions; and
WHEREAS, programs such as the Campus of Hope project proposes an innovative holistic service model to create affordable and emergency housing and offer behavioral health care, medical care, counseling, legal assistance, self-care classes, transportation, health education, case management, vocational training, and more to significantly reduce homelessness in Placer County.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Placer County Democratic Central Committee supports innovative solutions to homelessness, such as the Campus of Hope project, through public and private collaboration using an integrated and holistic approach to sheltering and services, while preserving communities and neighborhoods.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be sent to the Placer County Board of Supervisors, as well as posted to the PCDCC website and social media outlets.
This resolutions was passed by the PCDCC on the May 11, 2022 at the May PCDCC meeting.