Placer Action Network (PAN) is a chartered Democratic club dedicated to community-centered political action. Our members are involved in voter outreach efforts, work with local campaigns, and support community service activities. We provide a forum for political discussions and inform our members about issues and legislation of interest. Our Precinct Captain Program promotes neighborhood activism and local Get Out the Vote (GOTV) activities. In 2021, we committed to seeking out the youthful voices in the community to broaden our effectiveness. Join now and help us plan our program for 2022. After all, action is our middle name.

PAN  meets the second Tuesday of each month via Zoom from 6:30 PM to 8 PM.

Contact with the club is through their website:

Facebook: PlacerActionNetwork Twitter: @placeractionnet



  • President—Jacob Boyce

  • 1st VP-Program—Ellen Debach-Riley

  • 2nd VP-Membership—Holly Cuthbertson

  • Secretary—Robert Sherriff

  • Treasurer—Shar Finn

  • Past President—Cassie Lin

  • Rep to the Central Committee—Susana Tupper

Placer Action Network logo with a stylized tree and mountain design.