2025 Assembly District 5 Delegates

An announcement image by the Placer County Democratic Party and CADEM, titled "Congratulations," lists the names of newly elected 2025 ADEM delegates for AD-5. Names featured include Daniel Medina, Mathew (Matt) Gaspay, Tomas Vera, James Robert Hard, Allen Macaspac, Sameer Kazim, Michael Allan Self, Ann (Annie) Bowler, Susan Gutowsky, Nicole Naditz, Lilah Smith-Morton, Heidi Urrutia, Jennifer Smith-Morton, and Ellen Debach-Riley.

2025 Assembly District Elections Meeting (ADEM) Delegate Elections

Registration to vote online has ended.

What are ADEMs?

At the beginning of every odd numbered year, 14 Democrats are elected from each State Assembly District to represent their fellow Democrats on the California Democratic Party State Central Committee (CADEM). These representatives are referred to as Assembly District delegates or as ADEM delegates. Serving as an ADEM delegate is an excellent opportunity to network with Democrats throughout California, serve Democrats in your Assembly District, and help influence the policies and priorities of the California Democratic Party.

Placer County includes portions of Assembly Districts 1, 3, and 5, with most of Placer County’s population in Assembly District 5.

Roles and Responsibilities of ADEM Delegates

1) Elected ADEM candidates may serve on CADEM committees and caucuses and get to vote on party leadership and candidate and proposition endorsements.

2) Elected ADEM delegates are expected to attend the annual state convention at their own expense. The state convention alternates between locations in Northern and Southern California. The next convention is expected to be in Anaheim in late May, 2025.

3) ADEM expenses include annual dues; convention registration fees; and travel, lodging, and food for conventions.

4) ADEM delegate serving on the CADEM Executive Board (E-Board) are expected to attend additional conventions.


1) Each voter must register with CADEM to vote in the 2025 ADEM election. Voting can be done either online or in-person and each voter must choose when which way they want to vote when registering. Registration to vote electronically ends on January 24 at noon, but registration to vote in-person can still be done at an in-person voting location.

2) CLICK HERE to view in-person voting locations. No in-person voting locations are in Placer County, so it is advised to register to vote electronically. See in-person locations for Placer County Democrats further below.

Candidate Eligibility

1) The candidate must file their application to the CDP during the filing period that starts at noon on December 9, 2024, and ends at noon on January 8, 2025, so that they can be checked for eligibility; and

2) the candidate must pay a $40 filing fee to the CDP (which will be waived if the candidate declares a hardship); and

3) the candidate must be registered to vote as a Democrat in the Assembly District in which they are applying to run as of the preceding general election (November 5, 7 2024), unless the candidate turned 18 or was naturalized after that deadline, and is registered to vote at the time of candidacy filing. Non-Citizen candidates must also fill out a Non-Citizen registration form.

Important Candidate Information

1) ADEM elections adhere to CADEM bylaws which require the election equal numbers of self- identified female and other than self-identified female candidates, to the extent possible. This means that 7 women and 7 men are elected during ADEM elections.

2) One elected delegate from each Assembly District will serve as a member to the CADEM E-Board. Candidates have the option of running for the E-Board position without it affecting their candidacy for a ADEM delegate position. The candidate with the most votes who opted to run for the E-Board position and is one of the top 14 vote getters shall become a member of the CADEM E-Board. If no candidate that opted to serve on the E-Board receives enough votes to become an ADEM delegate, the top vote getter shall become eligible to serve on the CADEM E-Board.

3) Candidates will be listed on the ballot, in the order that they complete their Candidate Registration Form.

4) Candidates will have the opportunity to submit a candidate statement.

5) Candidates may run as slates and are encouraged to campaign, including by speaking at Democratic Club meetings. If any candidates would like to have a statement, graphic, or video posted on this webpage, please contact chair.pcdp@gmail.com.

2023 Assembly District 5 Delegates

Announcement of ADEM results with list of AD5 Assembly Delegates, featuring logos and "Congrats" text.