Tomas Vera
Chair, Placer DCC Communications Committee
The #DemocratsDeliver hashtag and slogan has been used by the Democratic Party nationally and here in California recently. You’ve probably seen it on social media or in your email. And, why not? It’s short, it’s sweet, and it’s accurate.
The votes tallied in Congress have often been party-line votes. On occasion, we would see a GOP legislator voting with Democrats. Sadly, the congressman representing Placer was consistent in his opposition to the best interests of his constituents. Fortunately, California has two stellar Democratic senators to represent us in Washington D.C.
On the national level, Democrats have taken the lead on many issues. Democrats have brought us:
American Rescue Plan
Ended our longest war
Medicare drug pricing
Violence Against Women Act
Women's Health Protection Act
Inflation Reduction Act
Chips and Science Act
PACT Act for Vets
Gun Safety Legislation
Historically low unemployment
These legislative and other victories will benefit all Americans. But these victories did not come without challenges. In the US Senate two Democratic Senators often stymied the efforts of President Biden and the rest of Congressional and Senate Democrats to pass needed legislation. Many Democrats across the nation were frustrated watching the negotiations which seemed to weaken otherwise very good proposals. It remains to be seen whether these two senators will be our party’s nominees when their seats come up for re-election.
Across the aisle, the GOP focused on efforts to stall, interrupt, and scuttle virtually all legislative efforts. This was not unexpected. They have become a party without any ideas, offering no new proposals to deal with the challenges they themselves have placed on the shoulders of the American people. They are a party longing for an ugly past. In contrast, Democrats look to the future.
As we head into the 2022 General Election, it is important for us to recognize and celebrate the victories we’ve seen coming out of Congress and the White House. We must continue to remind our family, friends and neighbors that Democrats have always been on the side of the people. We must continue to remind everyone, every day, that Democrats Deliver.