The Disinformation Dumpster

Barbara Smith
PCDP Community Engagement Committee Chair

We’re used to seeing disinformation infect our social media. At this point, disinformation posts about Covid, the 2020 Election, and Critical Race Theory are a common presence in our newsfeeds. But another topic has entered the arena—Ukraine. Much of the disinformation is generated overseas, but given the connectivity of social media, the lies and distortions have quickly reached us.
It's important to know what the lies are, who is being targeted, and how to find reliable information. To get an idea of the extent of the problem, I suggest you read these articles which describe the situation.

Remember, don’t engage with disinformation posts that you find in social media. If you want to refute it, screenshot the post. Don’t comment, retweet, like, or share disinformation. Starve the disinformation algorithm.
Ready for more? Register for this seminar and become a Disinformation Detective.

There Are Many Ways to Help Ukraine

I’m sure each of us is asking how we can support Ukraine’s efforts to stop the Russian incursion into their country? and the devastation, death and destruction that Putin/Russia is causing. In their March issue, Fortune magazine published a provocative and eye-opening article by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven Tianen titled “Over 400 Companies Have Withdrawn from Russia – But Some Remain”. The Yale School of Management has created a list which shows companies that are making a difference …and those that are not. Sonnenfeld has listed companies in groups based on their actions as “withdrawal, suspension, scaling back, buying time or digging in”.

The article below is reprinted from Fortune Magazine and contains links to the list of companies within the text.

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Three School Board members in San Francisco have been recalled by voters. A Republican District Supervisor was recalled because he wasn’t far enough to the Right. A local high school district in Placer County has defied Governor Newsom’s mask mandate.

A November, 2021, NPR story by Deepa Shivaram reminds us that “Book burning was a practice perpetuated in Nazi Germany”. Kristallnacht – the ‘night of broken glass’ and burned books signaled to the world the horrors that were to come in World War II. Our moment of Kristallnacht could be the increasingly strident fight over JEDI – the teaching of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) concepts to all children and Critical Race Theory.

Editor of the Cook Political Report, Amy Walter, has warned Democrats “are not listening” to the Republican message. She states their message is gathering new voters to the Republican Party, especially minority populations who are always fearful of how their children are treated in schools. She added they “feel the continued masking (of children) means we’re still not safe and they’re turning to the Republican message”.

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1. Ida Tarbell

2.    Patsy Mink

3.    Hillary Clinton

4.    Rosa Parks

5.    Amelia Earhart

6.    Adm. Grace Hopper

7.    Jane  Goodall

8.    Coretta Scott King

9.    Madeline Albright

10. Alice Paul

11. Shannon Watts

12. Harriet Tubman

13. Dolores Huerta

14. Fannie Lou Hamer

15. Sonia Sotomayor

16. Elizebeth Smith Friedman

17. Nellie Bly

18. Michelle Obama

19. Maya Angelou

20. Rachel Carson

21. Katherine Johnson

22. Hedy Lamarr

23. Shirley Chisholm

24. Eleanor Roosevelt

25. Sally Ride

26. Margaret Sanger

27. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

28. Frances Perkins

29. Kamala Harris

30. Tammy Duckworth

Ready to learn more about these and other women and the many contributions  they made to  our lives? Click on these sites  to learn more.


A Modern Tale of Two Options

Governmental redistricting is an important process with a 10-year impact, especially in areas of population growth (or loss). Overall, Placer County is increasing in population, especially in the South Placer cities of Roseville, Rocklin and Lincoln.

Here’s a brief recap and analysis of two local jurisdictions’ approach to the mandated boundary realignments after the 2020 census. Each governing body took a legally available option. The Placer County Board of Supervisors chose an Advisory Redistricting Commission to create the new boundaries for the 5 supervisorial districts. The Roseville City Charter requires an Independent Redistricting Commission due to voter approval in its latest charter review process. Both Redistricting Commissions had to adjust boundaries due to growing populations.

The City

The city of Roseville began its initial process when the City Council determined that, to comply with the Voter Rights Act, it was necessary to establish 5 districts, each electing a council member living within their district. The adopted map was based, as legally required, on the 2010 census.

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When you look at any social media site (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, even LinkedIn and Tik Tok) their number one goal is to KEEP you on their platforms. This means, a post that interacted with a lot is bumped up by the social media platform and shown to more people.

For example, if a news story post has a lot of reactions on it (reactions including likes, hearts, or even angry emojis), has lots of comments, and/or is shared a higher number of times - the social media platforms decide this is a high value piece of content and will show it to more people.

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Roseville Redistricting--URGENT--Public Comment Needed!

On 12/20/21, the Roseville Independent Redistricting Commission met to select a handful of maps to move forward and present to the public over the month of January.

The six maps moving forward are maps 1, 6, 8, 14, 15, & 25. These are the maps that received public comment at the last meeting, so it’s really important for people to turn out in the month of January and/or to submit your public comment via web-form or email.

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Placer County Redistricting Update

Thanks to some great media coverage and letters to the editor, on December 7th, the public turned out to let the Board of Supervisors know how they felt about them picking their own Staff Map A over the highly supported collaborative public submitted maps (3 different hybrid alternative maps).

The meeting started with Supervisor Suzanne Jones of District 4 making a motion to rescind the Map A selection and revisit the public supported maps. Bonnie Gore seconded that motion and Holmes also voted yes, so MAP A was rescinded for the time being.

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Should Survival Require Luck and a Bank Balance?

While the details of AB1400 spell out the goals of providing “universal insurance”, it’s still an abstract concept and the challenges of survival often leave other devastating choices. Many of us, or someone we know, has faced medical circumstances with little or no way to pay for their care. The choices can become few and frightening. PCDCC Member Terry Brady recalls the following story involving his nephew Evan:

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Meet Your Placer County Central Committee--Barbara Smith District 5 Elected Representative Community Engagement Committee Chair

When Barbara Smith picks up a pen or makes a phone call, she influences people and their actions. As the Placer County Democratic Committee Community Engagement Chair, she has very effectively shown us how we, as volunteers, can each increase our visibility, recruit volunteers, activate people and resources for political campaigns. Her goals are to refine the message we send to the public - to reframe our Democratic image so we define ourselves and our message rather than letting our opposition define us.

Activating all these arenas, through the efforts of Barbara and the volunteers she has enlisted, were pivotal in the recent Newsom recall election and redistricting process. She states she wanted to “harness the enthusiasm and interest of members, encouraging them to spread their wings”. And they did…resulting in outreach to Dems and independents, organizing more volunteers, publicizing our message and gathering volunteers. Each post card sent to local Dems, each Social Media post, each Letter to the Editor, each door knocked, each phone call brought us results.

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