AB 1400 Guaranteed Health Care for All CALL T0 ACTION NOW

The strength of our nation relies on human resources to power it politically, militarily, and economically. Our citizens are the power behind our successful American way-of-life. This power is 100% dependent on the good health of all American citizens.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared in its Constitution of 1946, that “enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health.' has been recognized as a 'fundamental right’ internationally."

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European Think Tank adds U.S. to list of "backsliding" democracies for 1st time

Editor’s note: We don't usually include content written by news services, but the message of this report is a warning to us all. The United States has long been a beacon of democracy to the world but the coming elections are about more than just our ongoing Red vs Blue battle. As Superman said, it’s about “Truth, justice and the American way,” reminding us our battle extends well past our borders.

CBS News online:
Stockholm — The United States has joined an annual list of "backsliding" democracies for the first time, the International IDEA think-tank said on Monday, pointing to a "visible deterioration" that it said began in 2019. Globally, more than one in four people live in a backsliding democracy, a proportion that rises to more than two in three with the addition of authoritarian or "hybrid" regimes, according to the Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.

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The California Democratic Party (CADEM) and the PCDCC Legislative Committees are tasked with analyzing federal and state legislation, including State ballot propositions for endorsement consideration. On the PCDCC level, our legislative committee has the additional task of recommending local ballot propositions. Legislative sessions occur within two-year periods where legislation is introduced and transacted. Upon conclusion of a legislative session, those that are not transacted “die,” but can be reintroduced into future legislative sessions. We are currently in the 2021-2022 Federal and California State legislative periods. The CADEM Legislative Committee is under dynamic new leadership, evidenced by their productivity in legislation and ballot proposition endorsements. During the 2021-2022 Legislative sessions, the PCDCC reinvented itself, providing more legislative endorsements in 2021, by the PCDCC membership than previous years. We have also included another factor in the endorsement process – researching and announcing those bills the PCDCC membership will not endorse and the reasoning why.

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Mal-information--Disinformation's  Evil Cousin


Barbara Smith, Communications Team Member/PCDCC Member

Information is all around us, but as discussed in last month’s article, determining if the information is credible can be a challenge. Those of you who took the literacy quiz may have been surprised at how convincingly a lie can mimic the truth. Refresh your memory here.

Misinformation, while easily corrected, often isn’t. Disinformation is intentional and devastatingly effective. But there’s another form of information disorder with an even more evil intent—mal-information.

Mal-information is information that is based in reality but often the context, date, or time of the authentic content is changed. Its purpose is to inflict harm. Publication of confidential or privileged information, altered images, revenge porn, and email leaks are all examples of mal-information. The information may be true or contain a measure of truth, but there’s no public interest in its publication.

One high-profile example is the release of revenge porn involving Katie Hill. While the data was real, the only purpose in releasing it was to embarrass and harass Hill, culminating in her resignation from Congress.

Another more recent example is the altered Fox News video of President Biden. It was purposefully edited to make it seem that he was making racially insensitive remarks. Then Fox claimed Biden was “facing backlash” about his remarks, effectively closing the disinformation loop.

It’s up to all of us to be more critical consumers of information. In the next installment in this series, the focus will be on evaluating news items and sources. Stay tuned.


If you ask economists about inflation, you will receive many differing opinions. On the one hand, they will say that the current supply/demand inflation is a sign of a healthy economy trying to adjust rapidly to leaving the COVID shutdowns. The current problems with supply chain issues are a perfect example. Factories were closed, all those shipping containers – as well as ships - were in the wrong place and the fossil fuel industry reduced production while no one was driving, and planes sat idle.

Most economists tell us not to worry as this will all work itself out as supply catches up to demand. On the other hand, other economists will point to systemic problems with our national and world economy. We don’t produce enough here of what we consume thus relying on places like China. A decaying infrastructure doesn’t help either. Our economy is a complicated affair although politicians – and just about everyone - are looking for simple answers. On the “one hand or the other”, that is why Harry Truman always wanted a “one handed” economist. Like the TV weatherman, economists always hedge their forecasts for unforeseen circumstances. Nothing is ever simple when you are not 100% sure of the future and there are always multiple reasons for economic conditions.

So, let’s look at the supply chain.

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Well - another expected, yet disturbing outcome from the Placer County Board of Supervisors (BOS). The BOS had an opportunity to opt for an Independent Commission to bring forward a new map for Placer County but, instead, decided to keep that control to themselves. They sent the work over to the Planning Commission, which surprise, were all appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The entire process was a complete sham.

The Board held "Public Workshops", to which the public was invited and comments were allowed, but they never took any of the public comments and made changes to the staff maps. The members of the public who made maps themselves, decided to get together and collaborate on maps, to work in as much of the public feedback as possible, all while facing the legal requirements for compactness, communities of interest, cities intact, population variance, and contiguity. This group met with community members throughout Placer County, as well as local elected leaders, and applied the feedback to the maps to ensure as many concerns were met as possible. Hundreds of hours were invested by community members Julia Sweeney, Amber Beckler, Wayne Nader and me, which resulted in at least three collaborative hybrid maps that met the requirements and are, we believe, superior to any of the staff maps.

This past Tuesday afternoon, November 30th, the BOS were presented the maps recommended by the Planning Commission, as well as the Hybrid maps submitted by the public.

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Mis vs. Dis

Barbara Smith, Communications Team Member/PCDCC Member

We are barraged with information. Whether it’s on our TV screens or mobile devices, magazines, emails, newspapers, or social media, we are constantly presented with information to absorb and evaluate. Loud and disparate voices are clamoring for our attention, all claiming to be the harbinger of truth, the voice of reason. But how reliable are those voices? When the information is wrong, do we know how to sort the unintentional mistake from the intentional deception?

Misinformation and disinformation are words frequently used as though they are interchangeable. Both refer to incorrect information, but the intent behind the words differs greatly. Misinformation is an error, a mistake that is easily corrected with proper facts and data. Disinformation has a nefarious intent—not only is the information incorrect but it is presented in such a way as to confuse, twist, or purposely misrepresent the truth.

Most of us think we are good at recognizing disinformation, that we have a good “BS” detector. We believe we recognize our own biases and can accurately judge the credibility of news sources. But do we? Let’s put that to the test. Try this quiz from the News Literacy Project. The items are a little dated, but that doesn’t affect the validity of your responses.


Keep track of your score and ask your friends and neighbors to try it too. We’ll come back to this quiz as we move through upcoming articles on this topic. Look for the next part in the December PCDP newsletter.

Our Forests Need an Advocate in Washington

Jessica Morse, Deputy Secretary for Forest and Wildland Resilience at the California Natural Resources Agency, states this last series of forest fires shows we are “watching multi-generational crises colliding”. She is fighting for, and working to, achieve forest resilience through science and education.

In 1910 the U.S. Forest Service established a policy to put out all forest fires. The methods used removed the natural function of fire from the ecological framework and were still in use through the 1980’s.

Since the 80’s several forces have been at work –

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Think Global, Act Local

Does local government matter? It depends on your perspective, of course, but there is a great deal more happening at the local level that impacts your life directly. Most media articles are focused on state and national elected officials but the place where democracy hits the ground running is your local elected officials.

Depending on where you live in Placer County, you may have a local water, fire or utility district as well as school board districts, city councils and the county Board of Supervisors. There’s even an Airport District in Placer County (surprise! to me but you learn a lot by joining the Campaign Services Committee). Many of these offices are lightly contested but some are quite heated and controversial - especially school boards currently. In addition to elected officials, many citizens are appointed by elected bodies to Planning Commissions, Utility Commissions, Mental Health Commissions and Senior Commissions. Most of these meetings are also available online.

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Why We Need H.R. 1 Now!

Last year, Democrats were able to pull off a “Trifecta” in that we now control the White House, Senate, and the House of Representatives. Although the margins in both the Senate and House are tight, it was voter turnout that made this situation possible. This voter turnout was made all the easier and more convenient by such things as mail in ballots, early voting and drop off boxes for completed ballots. In addition, volunteers drove people to the polls, provided water and other comforts to those that had to wait in long lines just to be able to cast their vote. Joe Biden won over 7 million more votes than Donald Trump and 306 electoral votes. Biden even captured the electoral votes from Georgia and Arizona. The first time a Democrat had done so in decades. In January, both U.S. Senate seats in Georgia flipped to Democratic candidates.

So, what has been the Republican response? Stop the steal! Claim that massive fraud denied Donald Trump from being re-elected.

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Welcoming Refugees Is A Multifaceted Issue

In recent weeks, refugees have become a focal point of discussion in the U.S., both positive and negative. Media reports have shown the work of U.S. troops departing Afghanistan as thousands of Afghans desperately trying to flee with them. We watched helplessly as they struggled, with palpable fear, to get seats for themselves and their families on a plane flying to unknown destinations. Many were destined for states in America; some for California.

Central America is facing drought and the resulting crop failures. Children are showing signs of stunted physical and mental growth from lack of food. Desperate people are leaving their land, becoming indebted to gang warlords and walking for days/weeks in search of asylum in our country. What does asylum mean? Do we serve these people best by supporting their countries with financial aid? Does the aid reach them or become lost in governmental corruption? When they arrive at their destination, does their dream come true, and at what price?

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Saying Farewell and Thanks To Another Good PCDCC Friend 

We recently learned that George Mellen, Central Committee Controller, will soon be stepping down as he and his wife, Ladon, relocate to Eureka to be near their daughter and her soon-to-be husband. Like many of us, this is another stop on the road of life that George has travelled.

To fully appreciate the friend we have known, we asked George to share some personal details. He generously responded, beginning with his early years in Ohio, obtaining a Bachelor’s degree from Miami University and a graduate degree at Ohio State, majoring in Political Science and Economics. Upon graduating, he began down his road of life by moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan, working for several years at the University of Michigan where he picked up some information technology skills. Responding to a variety of factors, George moved further down his life’s road to the west coast where he happily landed in Silicon Valley, working for Hewlett Packard for the next 31 years. Midway through his career, George and Ladon, who he met on a blind date, realized that he could transfer to Hewlett Packard in Roseville and live in a better place to raise children,

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