Terry P Rodriguez
PCDCC Legislative Committee Chair
The California Democratic Party (CADEM) and the PCDCC Legislative Committees are tasked with analyzing federal and state legislation, including State ballot propositions for endorsement consideration. On the PCDCC level, our legislative committee has the additional task of recommending local ballot propositions. Legislative sessions occur within two-year periods where legislation is introduced and transacted. Upon conclusion of a legislative session, those that are not transacted “die,” but can be reintroduced into future legislative sessions. We are currently in the 2021-2022 Federal and California State legislative periods. The CADEM Legislative Committee is under dynamic new leadership, evidenced by their productivity in legislation and ballot proposition endorsements. During the 2021-2022 Legislative sessions, the PCDCC reinvented itself, providing more legislative endorsements in 2021, by the PCDCC membership than previous years. We have also included another factor in the endorsement process – researching and announcing those bills the PCDCC membership will not endorse and the reasoning why.
The “Endorsement Process” has two objectives: Legislation/proposition endorsement consideration, and, for those issues receiving endorsements, active support of those issues by our fellow Democrats. According to our By-Laws, the PCDCC supports all legislation and State propositions endorsed by CADEM. The PCDCC recommends that our fellow Democratic Clubs, Democratic organizations, and those organizations leaning Democratic support the passage of these endorsements. Some legislation may move quickly toward a decision in the Legislature, while some may not move for a variety of reasons. In either case, our endorsements provide a motivating factor to the decision makers to get those bills passed and encourage voters to vote for propositions we support.
PCDCC Endorsed the following Federal and State Legislation:
Federal Legislation
H.R.-1 For the People Act 2021
H.R.-4 John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021
H.R.-5 2021 Equality Act: To Prohibit Discrimination on the basis of Sex, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation, and for Other Purposes
H.R.-1280 George Floyd’s Justice in Policing Act
H.R.-51 Washington D.C. Statehood
H.R.-6 American Dream and Promise Act
H.R.-1603. Farm Workforce Modernization Act
H.R.-55 Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act
California State Legislation:
Note: California Democratic Party Endorsed – (CADEM); Bills Signed into Law – (Passed)
AB -14 Communications: Broadband Services: California Advanced Services Fund (Passed) (CADEM)
SB - 4 Communications: California Advanced Services Fund (Passed) (CADEM)
SB - 379 University of California: Contracts: Health Facilities
SB - 714 Democratic Party: County Central Committees: Appointments and Elections (Passed) (CADEM)
AB - 34 Communications: Broadband for All Act of 2022 (CADEM)
SB - 28 Broadband and Digital Infrastructure Video Competition Reform Act of 2021 (Passed)
AB - 41 Broadband Infrastructure Deployment (Passed) (CADEM)
AB -1400 Guaranteed Health Care for All
AB -1385 Employee Obligations: Exclusivity Options: Music Talent & Actors. Free Artist from
Industry Restrictions Act
California Democratic Party Endorsed Bills Access Link:
Federal and State Legislation Web Information Sources:
California State Legislature:
Coming in April 2022 – California and Local Proposition Endorsements