Ideas on Winning Elections
A message to Placer DEMS from JAN BELL, Former Placer County Candidate Services Chair
For years, we have debated how much time to spend on national politics vs. local politics. After nearly 10 years as a political activist, I believe the answer to that question is we must do BOTH. So, I'd advise everyone to quit the debate and develop a “Top-Down Strategy” and a “Bottom-Up Strategy” for Placer County.
We all know our lives in America are impacted by national, state and local politicians, but to get people elected at all these levels we have to work at all levels - otherwise we can't impact the national level.
We need to get rid of McClintock and LaMalfa, but I've learned that having novice candidates at that level is a long shot. Their task to gain name recognition, learn how to fundraise, and compete with an experienced politician to win is too large. But if we work at the local level, - filling our school boards, utility boards, city councils and Board of Supervisors with Democrats - when we need a candidate up the chain, we'll have a strong bench of experienced candidates to support in a run for higher office.
Conversely, we cannot abandon the brave, but inexperienced candidates who run for national or state office as their first campaign. They need our help and if we don't give them our support, they won't run. We've seen that these types of districts can be flipped from red to blue, so we must work this level as well.
I believe that if we reduce the time we debate this issue and spend that time inspiring local activists to help us work all levels, we'll get more done. That takes leadership and I feel that others in Placer County, like, Ed Koons and the Auburn Area Democrats Club Board, along with Tomas Vera (PCDP Chair and AADC member), can make this happen with your help.
A good example of leadership is the Foothills Recruiting Team, led by Terry Rodriguez, Mark Rosen and Peter Rogosin, who have volunteered to find potential candidates who can win more local offices. In recent elections we supported two Democrats for Auburn City Council who many people told me were long shots and wouldn't win, but Sandy Amara and Rachael Raddell-Harris are now our Auburn City Councilwomen!
As a last request, I'd like your help with two issues of progressive politics that we must resolve to develop:
1) A simple, more cohesive message to deliver to all Americans to demonstrate what we stand for as Democrats, and…
2) …a competitive response to the Republicans who say we're Communists and Socialists, which makes many Americans afraid to vote Democratic. If all Democrats would show that we don't plan to take over all businesses, but we believe that there are very important essential public services that government must provide, we could halt the debate about Socialism and defeat the Republicans’ negative positioning of our party. Please advocate for the California Democratic Party to use this messaging and positioning of our party. We need to win the elections we SHOULD win and not let Republicans make us look dangerous to other Americans.
With that, I won't say Goodbye, but, " ‘Till we meet again," as I hope to be able to visit periodically for your events. I would love to hear from my Placer Dem friends....Best wishes, Jan