Meet your Placer County Democratic Central Committee….

Democrats in the many clubs of the Placer County area elect people to conduct the business of representing all of us to the state Democratic Party. Each club is asked to elect a representative to the monthly meetings of the Placer County Democratic Committee (PCDC). But do you know who the officers of the PCDC are? Most of us would say no. Let me introduce you to:


Ellen Debach-Riley, PCDC Secretary



Ellen’s life is centered around fairness and equity. Her views were formed early in life in Virginia. As the daughter of a lesbian mother, she knew the fear of potentially being taken out of the home if discovered. Although she played with neighborhood children, she was stunned at the first day of school when they lined up on the other side of the yard, telling her they couldn’t talk or play with her at school – because they were black. She saw her first KKK billboard. She saw her mother, as a single woman, only being credited with half a salary when trying to purchase a home solely because she was a woman.


Later in life, she was able to finance her college education using military survivor benefits, an “entitlement” program, allowing her to achieve financial independence, unlike women stuck in unhappy situations because they couldn’t afford to leave. Today she supports “entitlement programs” stating they allowed her to become a Home Health Occupational Therapist.


When Trump was elected, Ellen retired from her career and became an activist in the Democratic efforts against his presidency. She went to the PCDC office for information, met proud Democrat Horace Snowden, and became one of the most active and effective activists/volunteers in the county. She joined the Stonewall Dems and began working on voter registration programs. Since then she has joined several local Dem clubs and serves on the board for the Mid-Placer Dems and Placer Action Network.


Ahead of the 2016 election, she and Susana Tupper brought the Cal-Away Canvassing program to Placer County, a program simply asking “low voting Dems” to vote.  Very successful, the effort created a bank of 400 volunteers to canvass our neighborhoods. They became synonymous with “weekend warriors” for the candidates and issues being supported by Democrats in our elections. It made a difference!


In early 2020, she ran for – and won – a seat as delegate to the State Democratic Convention and continued her service as Secretary for the PCDCC.  She serves on 3 standing committees for the PCDCC; the Legislative, Community Engagement and Diversity (IDEA) committees.


Ellen believes outreach through voter registration and working as a co-precinct captain is the most important work because it allows her direct interaction with the voters in her neighborhood. This voter outreach allows us to demonstrate who Dems are and what we stand for and value.


Following the November, 2020, election Ellen feels encouraged about what we can do. She has cautious optimism tempered by the reality of a formidable Republican party throughout Placer County. Although she feels human rights and Social equity are not a priority for Placer County government, she states “California is doing its’ part to demonstrate the Democratic values regarding COVID-19, housing, and unemployment, and we lead the nation in representing those causes.”


Looking forward, Ellen wants to help build a stronger Democratic infrastructure through Precinct Captain programs, recruiting strong candidates for the next election cycle and partnering with other organizations, such as Black Lives Matter, the League of Women Voters, and the Calif. Alliance of Retired Americans. She states, “We can work with these and other organizations on legislation toward social justice.”


Her personal goals center on building a “community” in her neighborhood.  As President of the Sierra Vista Neighborhood Association she is especially proud of the neighborhood plant and produce “share table”– a swap location to pick up donated produce and leave items for neighbors in exchange.  “This truly brings neighbors together,” she states. She relates a story of a neighbor who left apples at the share table, another neighbor took the apples, baked a pie and brought it back to the share table as a thank you for this neighborhood connection. This type of interaction is her goal.


Ellen is a true role model for those who want to make a difference. We can feel grateful she, and her wife of 31 years, Michelle (owner of Placer Property Management), are our neighbors.