November is traditionally focused on Veterans Day and Thanksgiving, but my message this month has to do with that “other” activity – our democracy and Elections. Yes, the 2024 Presidential election is one year away, but there is another much less recognized election coming up as part of the Primary Election on March 5, 2024. Have you ever wondered how people get on the Central Committees? Let me outline it for you!
Democratic voters select representatives who live in their own districts to represent them on the Placer County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC). In each Board of Supervisor district, depending on the number of registered Democratic voters in the district, four or five representatives are elected by their fellow Democrats. I am a resident and registered Democrat in District One. I serve as 1 of the 22 elected Democratic Central Committee members.
The Central Committee, plays an essential role as part of the California Democratic Party (CDP). We charter the separate clubs who wish to be officially recognized as Democratic Clubs. We have Standing Committees on Governance, Community Engagement, Communications, Fundraising, Candidate Recruitment and Support as well as Legislation, Resolutions and Public Events. We coordinate efforts to assist efforts to elect local candidates in nonpartisan races such as Water Boards, School Boards, City Councils and Board of Supervisors. In addition, we actively participate in state Assembly, Senate and Congressional races for our geographic area as well as the statewide officers, such as Governor and Attorney General.
The advantages of stepping up to leadership in the Central Committee are many. This is a great team. You join a group of informed, like-minded leaders who balance civic engagement and volunteer opportunities that are making a difference in our county.
The filing period at the Placer County Office of Elections (located at 3715 Atherton Rd, Rocklin CA 95765) began on September 29 and will end on December 8, 2023. The staff at the Office of Elections is very helpful and will give you an explanatory packet. You must file the Nomination Paper with a minimum of 20 registered Democrats in your Supervisor district NO LATER than 5 pm on December 8, 2023. There is no filing fee and no candidate statement in the Voter Guide. Remember – only registered Democrats can vote so you need to ask your friends and contacts in your district to vote for you. If you are a member of a chartered club, perhaps those associates can help you with your campaign.
I am completing my first 4-year term on the PCDCC and I have learned so much about our community and met so many like-minded friends! Joining now will put you in the center of the action for the 2024 Presidential Election. Please join me in making a difference here in Placer County!
Please let me or any member of the Central Committee know your suggestions and comments. You can contact me at
Kathleen Crawford
Chair, Placer County Democratic Party Central Committee