Kathleen Crawford
July 2023
I am still basking in the success of our Tenth Annual Roosevelt Kennedy dinner and the inspirational words of our special guest, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and key note speaker, Congresswoman Katie Porter. It was wonderful selling out the 300 seat capacity of the Timbers Ballroom 3 weeks in advance. Looking out on the audience from the stage was energizing and hopeful that Democrats are ready to step up and elect more Democrats in our county. Thank you is not quite enough to recognize the work of our Fundraising Committee chaired by Susan Gutowsky. The mighty committee of 5 Central Committee members and volunteers recruited fantastic speakers, recruited sponsors, monitored Act Blue reservations, worked with the catering staff, gathered additional fundraising items for the Wine & Chocolate pulls and created a wonderful evening!
As I look forward to July 4th celebrations, picnics and fireworks, I am reminded that our democracy faces strong challenges here in our country and worldwide. As the 2024 Presidential election cycle is getting off the blocks, I am reminded that our political work is to ORGANIZE based on our small “d” democratic values. We must hold our representatives accountable for supporting programs that benefit our communities, including education, healthcare, the differently abled, seniors and veterans. An informed citizenry is the backbone of a democratic society and with media sources in silos, too many are swayed by single viewpoint sources.
I challenge each of us to volunteer for one of our Community Engagement or Public Event activities every month. I challenge each of us to have a respectful and factual conversation in a social group or with our families and friends so that we share our democratic values and perspective. I challenge each of us to encourage participation in one of our chartered club activities. By building and expanding our base, we can elect Democrats to our local agency boards, school boards, city councils and county board of supervisors. When candidates step forward, it is essential to vet their backgrounds and issue papers to select the best candidate to support. If this interests you, please volunteer for our Campaign Services Committee. In March of 2024, there will be an election of Democratic Central Committee members for a 4-year term. Depending on your location within a Supervisorial district, 4 or 5 candidates are elected to a seat on our Democratic Central Committee.
Enjoy your summer with our beautiful recreational opportunities locally as well as in our state. Be ready to jump into political activities this fall because our Presidential primary is in March 2024. Time goes by quickly with the fall start of schools, the holidays and sooner than it seems today, it will be time to vote!
Please let me or any member of the Central Committee know your suggestions and comments. You can contact me at chair.pcdp@gmail.com
Kathleen Crawford
Chair, Placer County Democratic Party Central Committee