A Message from Our Chair Kathleen Crawford October 2023

October is one of our most beautiful weather months in Placer County – cool mornings and evenings are combined with warm afternoons. Plus, we get to look forward to the fun for children and many adults at Halloween followed by the winter holidays! 

Our Democratic fundraiser on October 4, 2023, a traditional Octoberfest at Kathrin’s Biergarten in Rocklin is a sellout and a great time will be enjoyed by a hundred Democrats ready to take action to turn Placer purple! Many thanks should be given to the Fundraising Committee team and the Communications team for expanding our invitation outreach successfully. It will be a great evening to meet new like-minded Democrats!

The GOP looks unable to govern and the country is facing a government shut down.  This means Democrats need to double down on our messaging. We must articulate our messages that promote our values of consensus governing in a sound fiscal manner and advancing public policy measures.  This includes our priorities that protect our freedoms (including women’s bodily autonomy) and promotes civic engagement and voting participation. Up until the ill-advised and unnecessary government shutdown, Bidenomics was working to safeguard the progress made on curbing inflation while keeping unemployment low and repairing/replacing vital infrastructure programs across the country, including right here in Placer County. Democrats are the grownups in Washington DC.  

October begins the endorsement process in the CA Democratic party (CADEM).  This process allows the ADEMS, Central Committees and Chartered Clubs to participate in the pre-endorsement conference held regionally by the Regional Directors to recommend endorsements on Assembly, Senate and Congressional races to the November Statewide Endorsing Convention to be held in Sacramento the weekend of 11/17-19, 2023 which will formally endorse candidates.

To build momentum in the next 5 months until the March 5 Primary, we must continue to increase activities.  Please consider signing up for the Community Engagement Activities – I hope to meet you at more than one activity. 

Enjoy the beginning of our best season – fall or autumn with cooler weather, colors changing, and for many the thrill of football games and kids’ soccer season.  Campaign mode is in full gear and your participation is essential!

Please let me or any member of the Central Committee know your suggestions and comments.  You can contact me at chair.pcdp@gmail.com
