A Democratic Democracy, Our Vote Works to Keep It Alive

Commentary by
Terry P Rodriguez
PCDCC Chair Legislation Committee

President Biden’s leadership has led to many legislative successes, as evidenced by what was achieved since Democrats won control of our Houses of Federal government. Democratic representatives have demonstrated, legislatively, that members of our party are the stalwarts of our system of Democracy. In an election year, it is important that Democrats garner the winning votes to maintain this trend of Democracy, if we are to keep it.

Consider these Democratic accomplishments.

Democrats delivered by passing the American Rescue Plan Act. This act navigated our American population on the path of recovery from the ravages of Covid-19. This increased vaccine production, speedily expanded its’ distribution network, and created plans to rapidly immunize our populace. Our economy became robust again when Americans were able to return to the workforce thanks to this act’s immunization program. For consumers to spend money products must be produced by workers, workers are paid for their services, and in turn, workers spend money on products. This act cured the Covid-19 disruption in this capitalist cycle by providing checks to our populace, providing money to spend that would create demand for products, putting workers back to work, and those workers spending money on products. Democrats, having delivered on this act, fast-tracked the fastest economic recovery by bringing unemployment quickly below 4%, attaining the highest rise in GDP since 1984, and restoring the strength of our economy faster than other global nations.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was not only another major Democratic victory, but unique in that it was passed in joint leadership with a few Republicans. Democrats have proven that, with this party in control of the mechanisms of legislative government, they are the only party which has demonstrated their ability to convince some Republicans to engage in accomplishing compromise. This bipartisan effort enacted legislation which will pump billions of dollars into repairing our nation’s infrastructure, upgrading our major ports and air facilities, and improvements in our public transportation systems. This will create new, higher paying jobs needed to meet these goals and our environmental needs to develop clean energy resources, clean up toxic waste, and nationally expand EV charging stations to meet the growing demand for EV vehicles.

Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was another Democratic victory to provide better health care. Under the Affordable Care Act, families will see an $800.00 reduction in their insurance premiums, Medicare will negotiate drug cost reductions for the first time in history, and prescriptions will be limited to $2,000 per year for seniors.

This trend of Democratic success in our legislatures will continue when we, the Democratic Party, work toward electing, and re-electing, our candidates. Legislative history has shown that the continuance of a productive Democratic Party brings results benefiting the well-being of our nation and protecting our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. Continuing this success depends upon you, the reader to get out the vote. Because… when Democrats have the reigns of our legislatures, Democrats Deliver, and we will keep our Democracy.