I’m pleased to report that your PCDCC Legislation Committee was actively productive during the 2021 through 2022 Federal and State Legislation Sessions. Our committee succeeded in establishing the largest slate of legislation for endorsement consideration since its inception in 2017.
The purpose of this committee is to analyze legislation our PCDCC would be interested in supporting. Legislation undergoes a process of debate, discussion, and a vote by our committee on whether this should be entered into what we term as the Endorsement Process.
This process involves the PCDCC Legislation committee presenting a legislation analysis for an Endorsement consideration vote by our PCDCC membership. Endorsed legislation establishes a slate of measures representing where our PCDCC stands on issues important to all Americans, regardless of political party affiliation.
The California Democratic Party has a legislation committee that enacts the same process. According to our PCDCC By Laws, we inform our PCDCC membership that legislation and propositions endorsed by this committee, are those we are to support.
Our committee is committed to transparency on our productivity to our PCDCC membership and those they serve in our Placer County communities. We maintain a legislation database chart documenting legislation analysis in progress, status, and results. Included on this database are not only legislations endorsed by our PCDCC, but also those by the CADEM Legislation Committee. Our committee submits this database chart monthly to our membership.
What determines the legislation we accept? We accept those suggested by our PCDCC Legislation committee, whom each has a specific area of interest they feel is of importance for our membership to endorse. We also solicit recommendations from our membership on what they want us to pursue.
The PCDCC Legislation committee had evolved in new directions over the course of the current legislation session. We accepted for the first time, requests to submit legislations or resolutions for non-endorsement. The PCDCC voted to not endorse SCR 5 State of Emergency Covid 19 Termination and ACR 46 State of Emergency Covid 19 resolutions, a Republican effort to end Governor Newsome’s authority to engineer his succeeding efforts to end the pandemic crisis.
In July 2022, the CADEM Resolution Committee ruled neutral for Proposition 26, California Sports Wagering Regulation and Unlawful Gambling Enforcement Act. The PCDCC Legislation Committee was tasked with presenting an argument to the PCDCC membership for endorsement consideration. This was a first for our committee. The PCDCC voted to remain neutral based on the argument presented by our committee. Finally, we expanded to research more Federal legislation for endorsement consideration.
What are our accomplishments? During the 2021 through 2022 Legislation Session, our committee worked on a total of 73 legislative measures. This is comprised of 26 Federal, 42 State, 4 Resolutions, and 1 proposition. Approximately 24 of these Federal and State legislation bills were enacted into law. And our PCDCC membership endorsed 6 measures.
What actions are requested by our PCDCC Legislation Committee? We have done our part to present legislation endorsed by the PCDCC membership. It was important that we identify those legislations needing support by our PCDCC membership, those they serve, and our audience. Therefore, it is your task to promote their passage by whatever avenues available.
Finally, our PCDCC Legislation Committees 2023 through 2024 Legislation Session challenge is to broaden our research to a wider range of topic issues. In accomplishing this goal, we need to increase our team. If our committee is of interest to you, the reader, please consider joining us.