Thanks for Being on our Team

Barbara Smith
Community Engagement Committee

We can’t begin to thank every one of you who made such a difference during this election season. Our volunteers supported every candidate, through our PCDP actions, club sponsored efforts, or working directly with the campaigns. Every action you took made a difference—thousands of phone calls and texts, hundreds of social media posts, thousands of postcards and letters mailed, block after block walked and literature dropped at door after door, direct donations to campaigns. Two members of our Central Committee helped staff the CADEM Voter Protection Hotline, a vital resource for voters. Our Placer Dems Volunteer Team exceeded everyone’s expectations and that is because of you.

And as phenomenal as more than 150,000 voter contacts may seem, that number doesn’t include every action taken by members of our Democratic clubs. Roseville Junction Democratic Club hosted both a phone bank and a canvassing event. Placer Action Network held text bank events for the endorsed school board candidates. Both the Lincoln Democratic Club and the Sun City Roseville Democrats staffed polling places. Members of the Auburn Area Democratic Club staffed multiple registration efforts at Sierra College. Placer Women Democrats staffed a polling place, helped with Sierra College outreach efforts, canvassed for Rocklin school board candidates, and organized multiple visibility events in the South Placer area. These actions reached even more voters in multiple ways, helping to support our candidates and motivate voters to actually vote.

In July, I suggested that we would need to triple our 30,000 voter contacts before the primary to be effective in the general election. We exceeded that by a wide margin. As we wait for the final vote tallies and turnout percentages, please know that each voter we contacted added another link in our chain of outreach here in Placer County and beyond. We will continue to expand our efforts to build coalitions and engage new voters on our way to turning Placer blue.