Thanksgiving gives way to Winter Solstice
A Message from Our Chair
Kathleen Crawford
This newsletter arrives after Thanksgiving and yet the election watch continued most of November. Clearly, the Democrats nationally averted a red wave and retained control of the Senate. Our congressional CA 03 race was featured in Politico as a key race to continue to monitor as the House majority is going to be quite slim for either side. By the time you read this, it may be determined, and publishing deadlines are inconvenient for having clarity. Our local candidates had both victories and losses, but each ran a hardworking grass roots campaign and beat out the Democratic registration numbers so headway is being made. Midterm elections are determined by turn out and Democrats did turn out in increasing numbers. Next: build on this, keep activists engaged and Go Blue in 2024.
Winter Solstice is December 21 at 1:47 pm and the dreary winter gloom is only broken by the holiday traditions that each part of our community celebrates. The definition of winter solstice, according to Wikipedia, tells us that “since prehistory, the winter solstice has been a significant time of year in many cultures and has been marked by festivals and rituals. It marked the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun; the gradual waning of daylight hours is reversed and grows again.” These rituals and festivals include all the major religions as well as prehistory cultures which focused on nature and the physical environment.
January 2023 will come soon enough to start organizing our efforts for the Presidential election campaign in 2024. May we all take this Winter Solstice time to celebrate our victories, learn from our defeats and appreciate our festivals and rituals which include family and friends. My wish for each of our readers is good health, peace in the world and may you be surrounded by love.
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