A Message from Our Chair
Kathleen Crawford
November 2022
After the busy and intense voter contacts that started in August and continued through October, we are just days away from V-Day (V is for Vote!). Our outstanding and highly qualified candidates: Dr Kermit Jones for CD3, Paula Villescaz for SD6, Rebecca Chenoweth for AD5 and Scott Alvord for Board of Supervisors District 2 are continuing to push all the way though Election Day on November 8, 2022. The local nonpartisan endorsed candidates are on the same path so please support these candidates: Auburn Area Recreation & Park District (Alan Loberstein and Nic Macy), Auburn Union School District (Julann Brown), Placer Hills USD (Geoff Anderson and Charlie Riley), Rocklin USD (Rick Miller, Michelle Sutherland and Jen Brookover) and Roseville City School District (Rene Aguilera).
Ballots are already being returned by prepaid US mail, drop boxes and finally on Election Day at the local precinct. You may drop your ballot off at any precinct and place it in the secured blue ballot bag which is picked up by the Placer Office of Election after the polls close at 8 pm. No waiting in line – just complete your ballot, sign the back of the envelope and walk it into the precinct. If you prefer, you may sign the register at your designated precinct, complete your ballot and put it directly into the ballot scanner. If there is any issue with your voter registration, you may vote with a Provisional Ballot and the County Office of Election will research the issue and process it accordingly. Check your sample ballot for information on your precinct voting location (may have changed) as well as the list of drop boxes which are picked up daily by the Office of Elections.
Friends don’t let friends forget to vote! Neighbors will be checking out your lawn signs so continue your visible support as much as possible. You can help get the word out by encouraging family and friends to vote and sharing your knowledge about the endorsed candidates. You can bookmark this newsletter to share it with your likeminded colleagues.
I am hopeful that these grassroots campaigns will bring several victories at all levels – Thanks go out to each and every one of you who have canvassed, phone and text banked as well as donated to our worthy and hard-working candidates! Keep the pressure up through November 8 to achieve success. All indications are that this will be a close election and each vote will count!