By Tomas Evangelista
Member, Placer County Democratic Central Committee
Representation matters. We often say that when talking about decisions being made without us in the conversation or when people like ourselves are not at the decision-making table. Everyone hopes to elect their representatives in elections but, sometimes their choice doesn’t win the election. However, they still have the opportunity to vote and their vote counts. Immigrants are often left out of voting because of federal election laws. Representation for us has been very limited or non-existent at all until recently.
Tomas Evangelista and Meg Dorsey using their voices at the “Defend DACA” rally in Auburn.
At the July, 2022, CADEM Executive Board meeting the state party finally gave the opportunity for non-citizens, like DACA recipients, to run in the ADEM elections. The state party had previously promised full participation for aspiring citizens to be delegates, but there wasn’t an official process for them to compete in those elections.
Prior to the July meeting, non-citizens wishing to become a state party delegate had to be appointed or have participated in a local Democratic Club or Central Committee. This change finally completed the delegate approval process made over 2 years ago by changing the state bylaws and giving aspiring citizens representation in the CA Democratic Party. This also follows a recent California law (SB 714) passed and signed by Governor Newsom to create a process for aspiring citizens to run for party central committee elections.
California Dreamers gathered to volunteer at the Auburn Homeless Shelter.
These changes in the Democratic Party are historic and the Placer County Democratic Party is leading the way. We were the first Central Committee to change our bylaws and create a process allowing aspiring citizens, like DACA recipients, participation in our Central Committee. The Placer County Central Committee also endorsed SB 714 helping it get to the Governor's desk for signature. In Tomas, we have one of the handful of DACA recipients who are currently a delegate to the state party.
Tomas is joined by Doris Baccala (l) and Julio Molina (r) at a rally in Auburn
Why does representation matter in the media and in politics? It matters because it’s how we create a “government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people”. It matters because when we tell immigrants they are important to us we are also giving them a seat at the table to hold us accountable. It matters because our state and our nation benefit from the work and sacrifice of immigrants. They are/ strength, not a weakness and they will be a part of our nation for a longtime. We deserve a voice and the CA Democratic party has given us that voice by providing us the opportunity to be involved in the party.