Sacramento will host the Endorsing Convention of the California Democratic Party on November 17-19, 2023. During the convention, the party will endorse candidates for the March 2024 primary election.
But that's not all the convention does. Caucuses and Standing Committees will hold meetings to advocate for policies, submit resolutions, recommend changes or additions to the party platform, and engage in party building. Delegates from all over the state have a chance to meet and network. The year-round Organizing Team will offer two actions: bundling essential items that will be donated to the Sacramento LGBTQ Center and texting young voters to encourage them to take action this year. The General Sessions are held on Saturday when many candidates will speak to the delegates, and on Sunday when the ratification of 2024 endorsements, adoption of platform, and Standing Committee reports are expected to occur.
Membership on a Standing Committee is only open to delegates, but any registered California Democrat can join and attend caucus meetings. If you are interested in finding out more about the caucuses, use this link from the CADEM website. There are membership fees to join each caucus.
Keep an eye out for updates on the convention from the Placer County delegates on social media and in our upcoming newsletter.