December 2023
Where to begin? November was a hectic month – canvassing started in both Roseville and Lincoln. Planning and reservations began for our December 13, 2023, Winter Solstice holiday party and fundraiser! The CADEM Endorsement Convention provided controversy and demonstration on the Cease Fire in Gaza issue and the vital work of selecting endorsed candidates. Two local Democrats were endorsed, so congratulations are due to Jessica Morse in CD3 and Neva Parker in AD5. There is no CADEM-endorsed candidate in the Federal Senate race, with no candidate meeting the 60% delegate vote threshold. These exciting developments will focus our voter outreach efforts through the March 5 Primary election. Thanksgiving holiday reminds us to focus on families, friends, and traditions (both new and old). My Thanksgiving holiday was spent in MA for a traditional New England holiday with extended family, including extended family. I am thankful for good health, like-minded family members, and ALL my Democratic allies, especially the Placer Democratic Central Committee!
Looking ahead into December, there are a couple of exciting developments that have not yet been finalized. The Central Committee has agreed in principle to have a Coordinated Campaign Headquarters lease, beginning in January through November 2024, and jointly shared with the Morse Campaign. At press time, the lease has not been signed, and the MOU with the Morse Campaign has not been finalized (without a lease, there are a few loose ends). This is an opportunity to share the expenses and have volunteers carry literature for all our endorsed candidates. To achieve all our goals for the HQ and mailers for the November 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election, our fundraising needs to be boosted to cover costs. Please support our December 13 Winter Solstice Holiday Fundraiser and others to be held over the next ten months. In addition, the Central Committee is researching ordering and selling Biden/Harris lawn signs beginning in January at the HQ to add to our coffers. In 2020, this similar project netted several thousand dollars, so stay tuned for information with specific details.
The timeline for the March 5th Primary is only 95 days away, and mail ballots will drop in roughly 70 days! As you consider your 2024 New Year’s Resolution, include activities to support all our endorsed candidates for the March 5 and November 5, 2024 elections. The Community Engagement Committee and Campaign Services Committee will be especially active in 2024, and more volunteers are needed. If each Democrat did one thing and donated $10 to our Blue Legacy Fund, this would turn Placer Blue and elect our endorsed candidates! You are needed to make this happen.
Finally, as I think of the upcoming holiday season, I want to express my sincere belief and appreciation for the diversity of spiritual and religious beliefs in our community, including agnostic uncertainty. I wish for lasting peace in the Middle East and Ukraine, guaranteeing self-governance and national security. I hope you enjoy safe, healthy, and good times in December!
Kathleen Crawford
Chair, Placer County Democratic Party Central Committee