November 2023 CADEM Endorsing Convention Memories

This year's CADEM Endorsing Convention will be remembered for more than its convention business. We asked our Placer delegates to share their impressions and photos of the conference.

 I had an overall really great experience at this convention, reconnecting with people I’ve gotten to know virtually over the past year. It’s generally such a good vibe.

 I was particularly impacted by the indifference that many people showed toward the genocide happening in Gaza. The complaints from some people about the loud and “threatening” demonstrators “causing their parties to be canceled” (or meetings, dinner plans, whatever) was pretty nauseating. I can’t believe this is what our government is supporting, and people don’t seem phased by it. I’m still decompressing.

 Tiffany Sickler, ADEM for District 5

  For all the cease fire now demonstrations at the convention, the one that stopped me in my tracks was the hundreds of children’s sneakers laid out at the convention’s entrance. They were there as a statement of the children who have lost their lives but also an offering for those in need.

 Stu Clancy, PCDCC Delegate

  The diversity of the delegates made me proud to be a Democrat.  The passion and positivity of everyone was infectious. I need a street corner or freeway overpass to hold up a sign/banner and shout my support of all of our Democratic candidates.

I will definitely volunteer again.

Arleen Harrison, Convention Volunteer

 Camaraderie and teamwork was the most valued experience of my participation as a Placer County Democratic Party Central Committee Delegate during the 2023 CADEM Endorsement Convention.  It was the major reason I am grateful for having this opportunity.  When it was available, I stated I wanted to be part of a team concept.  Throughout the convention we not only coalesced as a team, but worked, consulted, and learned in networking with our other fellow delegates as a team.   Even during those trying moments, we were united. Camaraderie and teamwork was definitely my most valued experience.

Terry Rodriguez, PCDCC Delegate

  One of my favorite parts about going to Democratic conventions is to hear candidates running for higher offices speak. This year was no different as we have a very competitive Senate primary coming up soon.

I know there’s been a lot of talk about the protests that went on at this year’s convention. I have attended other protests, so what went on there did not scare me, but I was saddened that our meetings were disrupted. However, I feel lucky that I was able to talk with to protesters and this is what they had to say. One was a Delegate, and the other was an observer of the convention. According to these two people, who said they were Jewish, the purpose of the protests were to disrupt our convention and push people to consider what is going on in Gaza and Israel. According to these folks, the Democrats are the only organization that they can turn to because they are desperate for violence and killing to stop- for a cease-fire. They basically felt Democrats were not paying enough attention to this issue. Secondarily, they all supported Barbara Lee, who is the most anti-war of the three Senate candidates. They wanted to lift up her campaign and make people aware of the different philosophies of the candidates. I am not saying I agree with what the protesters did, but it was very interesting to hear their point of view. I, for one, am delighted that Biden and other world leaders have been working behind closed doors toward a cease-fire and that some of the hostages will soon be released. It is true that the Democrats are the ones that the protesters could rely on most. It’s why I have remained a Democrat in my entire life.

Annie Bowler, ADEM for District 5

 I always look forward to convention--seeing friends and political superstars and making all those connections. Convention also frequently brings controversy and strong emotions. But this year, the protest brought out a passion from people I know and respect that I didn't expect. I am neither Jewish or Arabic, nor do I have a good understanding of that region's history. But when I asked questions, the responses were both decisive and defensive from both sides. The protesters were either hoodlums or heroes. The Israelis were either child killers or righting a horrific wrong. There were no objective options. It must have felt this way during Vietnam. It feels this way when pitting Dems against Trumpsters. Who to trust? A microcosm of our country and a reminder that although passion is what drives us, reasoning can end up taking a back seat. Probably not the best avenue to good decisions.

Ellen Debach-Riley, ADEM for District 5

It was fun being involved and meeting so many people. The highlight was meeting Maxine Waters on Saturday. There were people who would thank us for volunteering as they got their credentials. But  Maxine made a point of going to every table and thanking each and every one of us. With all she probably had going on that day, her recognizing us is my favorite memory of the weekend. 

Karen Tetzlaff, Convention Volunteer