Hocus Pocus won’t put Food on the Table

Deana Rhoades
1st Vice Chair/Communications Committee Member

Do you remember watching your first real magic show, the audience in full awe with their mouths agape and the inevitable “How did they do that?” echoing throughout the room?  A great magician seems to float with charisma, endowed with some enigmatic power to defy the laws of gravity and reality, doing things we mere mortals cannot.

At some point, rational thinking returns, and we recognize that the magician’s success depends on their ability to deceive us.  They have no superpowers.  We begin to see how they use distraction through hand movements and gobbledygook to keep us from seeing what’s really happening.

Donald Trump is a colossally failing magician.  His illusion of power has been exposed, and we see how incredibly weak he truly is.  Grossly lacking in intelligence and experience to lead our country through even minor challenges, when we faced dealing with climate change and a pandemic, he chose hocus pocus. He thought a Sharpie in his hands could change the path of a hurricane and injecting bleach would kill COVID-19.  His purported business acumen was, in actuality, just a complex shell game, one whose smoke and mirrors have now disappeared.  We see him clearly for the fraud he has always been.

If Trump manages to attain a 2nd chance, this convicted sex abuser will never help women attain reproductive health care or equal rights.  He lacks the ability to understand economic discussions about financial survival for all of us whose assets total less than 5 million dollars.  “Steal it,” the only modus operandi he understands for all things monetary, just won’t work for 98% of Americans.  And putting the cowardly bully in charge of the military a 2nd time would lead to a catastrophic economic disaster much more devastating for every one of us.  He has already promised that and told us how he’d do it.

The traits of a great leader include intelligence, compassion, patience, empathy, strength, gentleness, respectfulness, cooperation, understanding, attentiveness, consideration, and humility.  Trump lacks every single one of these.  How reassuring it feels that Joe Biden commands them all!

Let's keep Joe Biden in the White House with his tested and proven leadership skills.