Gary M. Gutowsky, Col, USAF (ret), Roseville
Are you a military retiree or a surviving spouse of a military retiree, or know someone who is? If so, there is an important piece of legislation going before the California State Senate soon that could impact military retiree and survivor’s taxable income--in a good way.
If passed, Assembly Bill 46 (Personal income taxes: exclusion: Military Services Retirement and Surviving Spouse Benefit Payment Act) would exclude military retirement pay and survivor benefits from state income taxes beginning next year. The bill passed the Assembly by a vote of 77-0 and now moves on to the Senate.
What can you do? Call or email your State Senator and urge them to support this bill. If you want more information on the bill, you can go to the California State Legislature’s bill information website. If you don’t know who your State Senator is, check the State Senate website, enter your address - it will tell you. Every Senator’s website has a link where you can contact them. Again, you can do this with a phone call or an email.
The bill was introduced by Assemblymember James C. Ramos (D-San Bernardino) who also authored a similar measure last year that did not make it out of the Assembly. Assemblymember Ramos issues a press release regarding the bill on May 22 and can be found on his website.
California is the only state that fully taxes military retirement. If you want to see that changed, now is the time. Military retirees and their families are an asset to our State. Most go on to have second careers and are actively involved in their communities. However, many choose to leave the State or not return once they have completed their military service due to the high cost of living. Passage of this bill is the right thing to do for our military retirees, their families, their communities, and the State of California. Please show your support for this bill by contacting your State Senator.