Graduations, Weddings, Fathers’ Day, Summer Get-Away plans after June 10 (don’t miss Katie Porter keynote speaker!)
June is the new “December” with so many plans and events keeping us busy! In addition to Fathers’ Day (June 18), there are graduations and weddings for many families and associates, not to mention getting in summer down time and vacations. Locally, there are many events, starting on June 10 with our SOLD OUT Roosevelt-Kennedy Awards Fundraiser with our keynote speaker Congresswoman Katie Porter! Thanks go out to our sponsors and the hundreds of individuals who supported this event! I appreciate all the efforts of the Fundraising Committee under the leadership of Susan Gutowsky who pulled together this wonderful and successful event.
Additionally, the Public Events Committee under the leadership of Joe Mlakar are staffing booths at the Juneteenth Celebration at the Johnson-Springview Park on Saturday June 17 from 9 am to 2 pm. Next up is the Placer County Fair June 22-25 at the Placer County Fairgrounds in Roseville. If you are interested in volunteering, go to the Sign Up Genius website for your shift assignment. This will keep our Event volunteers busy so come on by and say hello!
As the 2024 election cycle gets underway, I want to remind us about the state Democratic Party and the Placer County Central Committee endorsement process. CADEM (the state party) endorses state and federal candidates at the CADEM Endorsing Convention November 16-19, 2023 for the March 12, 2024 Primary. The county Central Committees delegates and ADEMS participate in the state endorsement process but do not individually endorse prior to the party endorsement being finalized. The county Central Committees have the opportunity to endorse in local races such as school boards, city councils, board of supervisors and special districts, which are often non-partisan elections. The endorsement process in Placer County begins with our Standing Campaign Services Committee. Members work to identify potential Democratic candidates as well as offer training and support. Individual formal interviews are scheduled for each candidate after the filing period closes. The Campaign Services Committee makes a recommendation for endorsement to the entire Central Committee and the entire Central Committee votes to endorse or not endorse the individual candidates. In the meantime, if you see social media posts or have contacts with potential Democratic candidates, please proceed slowly as our process continues to establish due diligence and research all candidates within a single race. If you develop an opinion or have a significant interaction, please share this with me or a member of the Campaign Services Committee.
As I meet the deadline for this edition, I am looking ahead to the Roosevelt Kennedy dinner on June 10 at 5:30 pm at the Timbers in Roseville Sun City. There will be much information to share from the CADEM convention at the end of May but my crystal ball is still cloudy. Never fear, you will find short reports available in other areas of this newsletter as well as future articles.
Stay tuned for more information on where you can plug in! Feel free to let me know your ideas at Don’t agonize, ORGANIZE!