Terry P Rodriguez
PCDCC Legislation Committee Chair
The Placer County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC) officially endorsed, and supports the passage of this important legislation, SB 770 - California Universal Health Care Coverage: 2023 Renewed Fight for Affordable Health Care.
In my commentary in the PCDCC June 1, 2023 newsletter, I stated SB 770 will provide the budget plan to form the building blocks to energize the consideration, in 2024, of AB 1690, Universal Health Care Coverage. SB 770 will address what the organization Healthy California Now advocated: … the need to “work out policy difference and establish a coordinated effort between the governor, legislature, advocates, and funders to produce an ‘actionable’ package of policy proposals in accordance with a waiver framework the Biden Administration will support….” SB 770 has all the elements of this argument and will start the process of moving SB 770 through both chambers of our California State Legislature and to be signed into law by our governor. The major stakeholders are California citizens who will benefit from a single health care payor system supported by a solid financial system.
The PCDCC endorsement of SB 770 is our “clarion call” for Democratic Party activists to encourage our community in support of this legislation’s enactment. This is an important first step in overcoming the budget hurdle, leading to the possible passage of AB 1690 in 2024.
How can these stakeholders vote for its support and passage? By writing, phoning, and emailing to urge their legislative representative to advocate for SB 770 to become law. This legislation passed the Senate on May 30, 2023 and is currently in the Assembly chamber awaiting the committee review process. The author is Senator Scott D. Weiner, with two State Senate and four Assembly co-authors.
The power behind encouraging passage of SB 770 emanates from the voices of this legislation’s stakeholder supporters. That stakeholder is you, the reader. Your message to these representatives is the impetus that can power SB 770 into law. The higher the number of supporter messages our representatives receive, the higher the chance this legislation will pass.
Now it’s time for you to act.
Contact these representatives, and/or your local representatives, letting your voices be heard in support of SB 770, Healthcare: United Health Care Financing:
Author: State Senator Scott D. Weiner
State Senators Co-authors:
Caroline Menjivar
Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Assembly Members Co-authors:
Damon Connolly
Miguel Santiago
Pilar Schiavo
Rick Chavez Zbur
Contact Information:
State Senate:
State Assembly:
SB 770, Healthcare: United Health Care Financing
Information Source: