Kathleen Crawford
August 2023
The heat in July was more than just weather! There was plenty of political heat as well on both the state and national levels. We go from week to week wondering which indictments might happen in which order and then, a new shoe drops!
What will August hold for us? Maybe I should start with a bit of a linguistic definition. The root word “aug” is from the Proto-Indo-European root meaning “to increase, grow bigger or greater”. The late 16th century French “auguste” included additional meanings such as “worthy of respect, venerable, majestic”.
As we look towards our political activities, what can we increase, grow bigger or greater? If each of us does ONE thing once a week, we will have a productive month as we head into the traditional political kick off month of September. “Traditional” used to also mean the start of the school year in September, but no longer! In our fast-moving world, children are going back to school in mid-August. Any campaign waiting for the Labor Day Kick Off may be behind since the calendar is moved ahead substantially by a March 2024 primary. To build momentum in the next 7 months, we must begin activities in August. Please consider signing up for the Community Engagement Activities. I have participated in 2 phone survey activities, calling infrequent Democratic voters and asking for their priorities! They are not suspecting political calls “off season” and are pleased to share the issues that matter to them. This activity shows respect for the opinion of the individual voter and opens up a line of local communication from a neighbor who is engaged and willing to listen.
Enjoy the last days of summer with our beautiful local and state recreational opportunities. Sooner than it seems, it will be time to get into full campaign mode and vote!
Please let me or any member of the Central Committee know your suggestions and comments. You can contact me at chair.pcdp@gmail.com
Kathleen Crawford
Chair, Placer County Democratic Party Central Committee