The California Democratic Party (CADEM)
Legislation Committee Endorsement Process
Terry P Rodriguez
PCDCC Chair, Legislation Committee
Federal and State legislation activity picked up its’ pace since the beginning of these sessions. The PCDCC Legislation Committee has been in full speed mode analyzing measures for endorsement consideration by our PCDCC membership. We finished the 2021 – 2022 sessions on 73 measures which included 26 Federal and 42 State bills, 4 resolutions, and 1 proposition. Of the approximately 24 ultimately enacted into law, the Placer County Democratic Central Committee endorsed 6 measures.
The PCDCC is an information source organization on issues our party suports and rights we protect. Our committee’s part provides the legislation evidencing this information. The objective is that, as a source of this information, we project it to our audience. Our audience is Placer County Democrats, and those whom, within our area, we can sway toward supporting our issues, protecting the rights we protect, and electing candidates who will enact laws to support our party platform. This is an ongoing effort in the form of legislation, propositions, ordinances, and resolutions. As an information source, we then spread this news via our various PCDCC media avenues.
Step-by-step, our committee has evolved in relevance to actions by our state representatives and organizations seeking our PCDCC legislative endorsements. We recently responded to a request from activist group, Moms Demand Action, to endorse Assembly Bill (AB) 28 Firearms and Ammunition: Excise Tax & Senate (SB2) Firearms. Our PCDCC was contacted by the legislative offices of Assemblyman Evan Low for Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 5, the Marriage Equality Act and Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel for AB 28, seeking support for their respective measures. Through the avenue of the PCDCC Legislation Committee, our organization voted to endorse these measures and the legislative authors of these measures were notified. Our endorsements will contribute additional support in moving these legislations through the State legislative committee process, and toward enactment into law.
The evolution of our PCDCC Legislation Committee for the 2023-2024 Legislative session continues. The California Democratic Party Legislation Committee (CADEM LC) follows the same process. The recent reorganization of this committee allowed Democratic Central Committees to submit Federal or State legislation for endorsement consideration. Our PCDCC Legislation Committee currently is stepping up to this CADEM level in our endorsement process for the first time. Whereas our audience is Placer County, CADEM’s is the entire state of California. The PCDCC enacted a process for selecting which Federal and/or State legislation we deem important for CADEM LC to consider. Any legislation measure endorsed by the CADEM LC, will represent to California voters those issues our Democratic Party represents, and encourage activist support to enact into law. Our PCDCC submitted AB 238, titled the California Student Teacher Support Grant Program, to the Committee for their consideration.
This reorganization is a new venture for our PCDCC Legislation Committee. It allows us to accept any legislative recommendations and requests from activist organizations, Federal and State representatives, and our Democratic Party affiliated groups that align with our platform. We now have an avenue to raise those recommendations and requests to various levels of our California Democratic Party within, and beyond, our county line.
Current Update on Placer County Democratic Party Endorsed Legislation
2023 – 2024 Endorsed Legislation Update
Provided by PCDCC Legislation Committee
Starting off the 2023-2024 Legislative Sessions our committee currently has 42 Federal and State bills to analyze. “Year-to-Date”, the PCDCC has endorsed 7 legislative measures listed here with the California Legislation Information website source link:
ACA 5 – Marriage Equality
SB 770 – Health Care: Unified Health Care Financing
AB 1291- Law Enforcement Settlements and Judgements: Reporting
AB 2 – Recycling: Solar Photovoltaic Modules
AB 28 – Firearms and Ammunition: Excise Tax
SB 2 – Firearms
AB 238 - California Student Teacher Support Grant Program
Source Link: (Note: Access legislation in this link by entering the Bill number)
Give support to these measures through community outreach and by contacting your local State legislative representatives.