How Do We Improve Voter Turnout?

Barbara Smith
Community Engagement Committee Chair

We know the importance of voter turnout to our candidates' success. Although Placer's turnout was better than the state average, results show the electorate is apathetic, disengaged, and wary of both political parties.
However, there are immediate actions we can take to propel our candidates to victory: 

Create well-informed voters - Disinformation is rampant on social media, and it causes voters to disengage. The best way to combat disinformation is to put the candidates in direct contact with constituents by hosting house parties. To find out more, please contact the campaigns directly:               

Repeat the message - On average, we need to be exposed to a message at least SEVEN TIMES to remember it. Repeated personal contact will bring success this November. If you are an active phone banker or canvasser, thank you for your efforts, and bring your friends! If not, we would love for you to join us. You can sign up here 

Help voters make a plan - take our Pledge to Vote and encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to do so as well. 

As we step into the campaign season, The Placer Democrats are ready to serve as your reliable source for accurate, up-to-date information on how you can actively participate.


A Message from Our Chair Kathleen Crawford


Earth Day 2024