We are the Democratic Party

We’re fighting for a brighter, more equal future: rolling up our sleeves and organizing everywhere to build a better future for all.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor TO the PCDP. We are working to support grassroots voter outreach, candidate training and helping to grow the party in this upcoming critical election year. By stepping up as a monthly donor, we can literally “keep the lights on” and support local Democratic candidates and issues in Placer County.

Sign up HERE: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/placervictory


The Placer County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC) officially endorsed, and supports the passage of this important legislation, SB 770 - California Universal Health Care Coverage:  2023 Renewed Fight for Affordable Health Care.
In my commentary in the PCDCC June 1, 2023 newsletter, I stated SB 770 will provide the budget plan to form the building blocks to energize the consideration, in 2024, of AB 1690, Universal Health Care Coverage. SB 770 will address what the organization Healthy California Now advocated: … the need to “work out policy difference and establish a coordinated effort between the governor, legislature, advocates, and funders to produce an ‘actionable’ package of policy proposals in accordance with a waiver framework the Biden Administration will support….”  SB 770 has all the elements of this argument and will start the process of moving SB 770 through both chambers of our California State Legislature and to be signed into law by our governor. The major stakeholders are California citizens who will benefit from a single health care payor system supported by a solid financial system. 

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Sierra College Measure E Bond Measure

As an appointed member of the Citizens Oversight Committee on the Sierra College Measure E Bond Measure, I attend quarterly meetings where financial reports on the expenditure of Measure E Bond funds are presented by Sierra College Administration staff.  The financial reports are very detailed and broken down by specific projects.  If you have not been on the campus in a few years, I can assure you that there has been substantial infrastructure investment in bringing the campus into the 21st century.

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On Tyranny….Timothy Snyder Part 13

Editor’s note: this is the thirteenth in a series of summaries based on author and professor of history, Timothy Snyder’s book “On Tyranny”. The goal is to pass on his insights, wisdom and forecast to those who have not read his works.

While published in 2017, Mr. Snyder’s book is filled with “eternal truths”. The chapter is especially pertinent and valuable to us in 2023 as we watch Ukranians fight for their democracy. As we approach our elections, it should remind us how fragile democracy can be and the price that can be demanded to hold onto it.

Learn from peers in other countries.

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A Message from our Chair, Kathleen Crawford

Graduations, Weddings, Fathers’ Day, Summer Get-Away plans after June 10 (don’t miss Katie Porter keynote speaker!)

June is the new “December” with so many plans and events keeping us busy! In addition to Fathers’ Day (June 18), there are graduations and weddings for many families and associates, not to mention getting in summer down time and vacations.  Locally, there are many events, starting on June 10 with our SOLD OUT Roosevelt-Kennedy Awards Fundraiser with our keynote speaker Congresswoman Katie Porter!

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President Biden signed Juneteenth into law making it a federal holiday. The “back story” of this celebration, serves as a poignant reminder of how fragile freedom can be, especially at a time when personal liberties are being challenged in Texas and other red states.

Galveston, Texas, June 19 of 1865, General Gordon Granger led the Union occupation force delivering the news of the Emancipation Proclamation to enslaved people in the region. Texas lawmakers had refused to accept the 1863 antislavery law.

The slave trade represented one of the largest forced migrations in human history. During the 400-year period, 12.5 million men women and children were kidnapped, sold, and held in forced labor camps (AKA plantations). Stories of murder, rape, and horrid living conditions---the loss of freedom---are unconscionable.

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Tackling High Gas Prices--Pros and Cons of SBX 1 – 2

Consumerism becomes victim of drastic inflationary cost of living due to either corporate greed or globally affected material shortages.  During the pandemic years, American household pocketbooks suffered under rapidly climbing food, services, and product prices.  In June 2022 the Consumer Price Index reached its highest point at 9.1%, ending the year with a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) of 8.7%.[1]  According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, auto gasoline prices rose 49% and diesel fuel increased 55% during the first half of that year. [2]

 In response to these economic issues, Governor Gavin Newsom expedited SBX 1 – 2 into the State Senate.

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Editor’s note: this is the twelfth in a series of summaries based on author and professor of history, Timothy Snyder’s book “On Tyranny.” The goal is to pass on his insights, wisdom and forecast to those who have not read his works.


 Remember that email is skywriting. Snyder urges us to use alternate forms of the internet (like this Newsletter). Tyrants, he states, seek the hook on which to hang you – so try not to have hooks.

 He notes political thinker Hannah Arendt defined totalitarianism as “erasure of the difference between private and public life.” As we think back on the daily assault on our privacy since the 2016 political campaign, he reminds us …whoever can pierce your privacy can humiliate you and disrupt your relationships at will.” Our “private” lives have been opened to others in ways that disrupt and threaten privacy.

 The ‘timed email bombs’ we experienced during that campaign became a powerful form of disinformation. He blames the news media for following the “email bombs as if they were news” stating they “betrayed their own mission.” In treating email bombs as news, the media “allowed themselves to be distracted from the actual events of the day.”

 By “sharing our secrets” the goal is to draw the target’s (your) attention and actions away from normal life and politics toward conspiracy theories. We’re asked to believe ‘hidden realities’ and ‘dark conspiracies’ that are supposed to explain everything. The result, he states, is millions of Americans have learned to substitute sinking into the depths for thinking about the facts.

 When we let “others” distract our interest to ideas “chosen by tyrants, oligarchs and spooks, we participate in the demolition of our own political order.” Society is reduced to a “mob.”

 He urges each of us to secure our own computers and support organizations who, are concerned with human rights. I believe the Democratic Party meets his criteria and provides alternate forms of the internet experience.

Liz Moore, Editor