Don’t Agonize—ORGANIZE
If we heard this phrase once, we heard it a hundred times. But the sentiment is solid. We accomplish nothing if we wring our hands in despair. Our best course of action is ACTION.
From Charlie Riley, PCDCC delegate:
“As a first-time delegate I tried to imagine what the three days would be like. My expectations were far exceeded. The experience left me inspired, energized, more optimistic, and ready to help make things in 2024 happen.
My experience included getting to the convention early Friday morning where I started running and never stopped. I spent my first few hours checking out each booth in the Exhibit Hall. The Exhibit Hall was just the tip of the iceberg but said it all. From booths for the candidates for California Senator (Lee, Porter, and Schiff - what a great set of choices) to the California Nurses Association. Planned Parenthood, Labor Union Groups, Ranked Choice Voting Advocates, Justice for Renters, a list that didn't end.
I was then excited to get to go to sessions for two of the three caucus groups I am a member. The Environmental Caucus, and Rural Caucus. To be honest I found it just as exciting to see and hear in person the many California elected officials that I have supported over many years. Seeing and hearing Governor Newsom, Congresswoman and House Speaker Emerita Pelosi, Congresswomen Lee, Porter, Congressman Schiff, and all the others speak was like an "E" Ticket ride at Disneyland. The Gen Z's won't understand the "E" Ticket reference but can ChatAI it, and understand.
One of my highlights was Saturday Night's Dinner, seeing and hearing again from House Speaker Emerita Pelosi. A once in a lifetime experience that also gave me the opportunity to meet over dinner with other California Delegates from other parts of the state.
Overall, the three days was so positive being with 1000's of diverse, but similar focused, and energized Democrats. Individuals working to organize for the future. Working for our, and our children's, future and promoting Democratic values.
Two last things that I took away from the experience were seeing the Convention model the Democracy that we are fighting to keep for our country with inclusion, diversity, and voting for all.
Second, I was motivated seeing the fire and spark the experience created in my fellow ADEMS and PCDCC Delegates. The excitement on their faces was clear and contagious.
Just like my first visit to Disneyland over 60 years ago, 3 Days was not enough time to see and do it all. Looking excitedly to Sacramento in November.”
From Tiffany Sickler, ADEM 5 Delegate:
“The energy was so great being around so many genuinely concerned, informed and involved people from my own community and from communities throughout the state. I’m really looking forward to this season!”
From Stu Clancy, PCDCC Delegate:
“As a first time participant most apparent to me was the usefulness and access to the caucuses. The breeding ground of ideas and the job ahead was both inspiring and daunting at the same time. The environmental caucus was well organized and drilled down a number of pending issues. The future of hydrogen (green?) power, California’s power grid (continuing to stand alone?), transportation (US $ lifeline drying up). Stump speeches in the caucus focused on environmental degradation is a social justice issue – most unexpected was Barbara Lee’s call for teaching climate change in schools.”
From Kathleen Crawford, PCDP Chair and PCDCC Delegate:
“My favorite issues content moment was the panel during the Women's Caucus on minority women's maternity mortality issues. The panel was focused on a 95 minute documentary "Birthing Justice" which recently aired on PBS and is available on YouTube. The panel included the documentary film Director, Monique Matthews, as well as Adjoa Jones from the LA County Dept of Public Health and Pratima Gupta, MD board certified obstetrician/gynecologist. The fourth panelist was State Senator from District 39, Dr Akilah Weber, also a board certified obstetrician/gynecologist. This provided factual information on maternal disparities in obtaining healthcare as well as information on post partum maternal concerns. This reminded me that issues I was familiar with in the 1970s and 1980s when I was more aware of the disparity for women of color, has not improved by much. Such a shame that in one of the world's wealthiest nations and states, healthcare remains a scarce resource to far too many! As Democrats, we must do better! “
From Terry Rodriguez, PCDCC Delegate:
“I was thankful to have attended as a PCDCC Delegate, and I thank our DCC for giving me this opportunity. I like to network toward accomplishing a goal. This CADEM Convention provided me an opportunity to meet my Zoom buddies in person, have long discussions, and socialize. Additionally, I made new contacts who support our platform and electing our candidates. Presentations by Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, and Barbara Lee were motivational on what they would achieve as Senators, if elected. Most inspiring, was the dinner honoring Nancy Pelosi, whose message was “don’t agonize, but organize” in preparation for the upcoming 2024 election season. Therefore, I’m motivated, and inspired!”
From Barbara Smith, PCDCC Delegate:
“Between the Saturday General Sessions, the CADEM Organizing Department hosted two on-site activities. Both organizing events were a great success. In one event, volunteers bundled personal care item kits for the unhoused in Los Angeles. In the second effort, volunteers texted 900,000 young California voters to get them involved in efforts to curb gun violence. Don’t agonize—Organize is more than just a tag line; it’s a practical strategy to secure future success.”