Super Tuesday has come and gone.
While most of the country was watching the results from across the nation, Placer County Democrats were watching local races more intently.
Our candidates in Assembly Districts 1 and 6, State Senate District 1, and Congressional Districts 1 and 4 will be on the ballot in November. We will have A LOT of work to do to elect these women to their offices in Sacramento and Washington D.C.
Closer to home, we have elected a new Democratic Central Committee (DCC). The DCC is the organization responsible for coordinating Democratic Party efforts across Placer County and representing the interests of Placer County’s Democratic voters. Last night several new members were elected to serve on this body and some were re-elected to the DCC. All of these representatives are people who are dedicated to our Party and they will represent YOU for the next four years.
There is much to do in the next few months and in the next few years. Join us in our efforts to make Placer County represent the interests of ALL the people.
Tomas Vera
Chair, Placer County Democratic Central Committee