Have you heard the following excuses for NOT voting for school board candidates? "I don’t have kids in school anymore" OR "I don’t keep up with school politics anymore" OR "I’ve done my time volunteering and fighting systems in the schools, it’s time for the next group of parents to act"? Let’s debunk those rationales.
You should VOTE for school board - especially because you don’t have kids in school.
1. One often overlooked item is the impact of your local school district reputation has on the value of your home - homes in "good" school districts are generally valued higher because of this reputation. So far, Placer County has had a reputation for good schools but that can change if district policies change or administrations neglect solid curriculum and support for teachers. I say "so far" because right now change is in the works and it may be problematic for home values and possibly encouraging divisive and discriminatory attitudes in our schools and neighborhoods.
2. Currently, there is an orchestrated effort to add more “extremists” to each school board in Placer County. The purpose of passing conservative school policies, particularly conservative Christian “nationalism policies” is to undermine the traditional public school values of our communities. One of our most cherished democratic values, the separation of church and state, certainly seems under attack. Watch out for extremists such as Moms for Liberty, Destiny Church and the Proud Boys who are sponsoring many of these extremist candidates. Ultra Conservative candidates are endorsed by the American Council, and 501c4 nonprofits whose stated purpose is "Promoting faith & liberty in legislation, the ballot box, and culture. We’re mobilizing people of faith to pursue revival and reformation in America. (https://www.theamericancouncil.com/). Being well funded, these candidates are no longer hiding their true purpose - to bring conservative Christianity into public schools, and to roll back any progress that does not align with their defined values.
3. Traditional school values in our democracy include promoting and creating a more equitable world. We need to hear many other stories - but we can’t if marginalized students, and community members, are never given a moment to share without censorship. By voting for candidates who will uplift ALL students, you are helping support diversity and respect for all cultures in our local communities. School board candidates, who recognize giving hope and a voice to students who feel unseen, unheard, and disrespected, are worthy of our vote and support.
4. School board candidates should recognize the professionalism of teachers and encourage creative and innovative approaches to education within the approved state curriculum. School board policies are set by local school boards. Policies which support teachers attract the finest and brightest to their districts, improving educational opportunities for everyone.
One way to find out about local school candidates is to find their web pages or social media posts. Another way is to find out which candidates seek endorsements from the Placer County Democratic Central Committee. These candidates are screened and interviewed by the Campaign Services Standing Committee and then approved by the vote of the Central Committee. Elsewhere in this newsletter is the list of endorsed local school board candidates meeting our criteria for inclusion and diversity as well as support for teachers professionalism.
Every. Vote. Counts. And School Board Candidates need your vote.
Kathleen Crawford
Former member, Oakland City School District Board of Trustees
Chair, Placer County Democratic Central Committee