Tomas Vera
As I finish my time with the Placer Democratic Central Committee (DCC), I can't help but look back over things that have changed, and things that have remained the same. Here are some of my impressions over ten years of volunteering with Placer DCC.
The most significant change involves how we communicate with our supporters and voters. Ten years ago, our primary mode of broadcasting a message in a timely manner was by telephone trees and mail.
Today we have a presence on various social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. We send a monthly newsletter to a dedicated group of subscribers. We have the ability to contact our supporters in short order when needed. Quite a difference.
Voter Outreach
The Mobilize, Organize, Elect (MOE) application is provided to our DCC by the California Democratic Party (CADEM). MOE provides information about registered voters in our county. Then, we did little more than cut walking lists or phone lists that targeted Democrats at a precinct level.
Today, we use MOE to produce voter lists with tremendous precision. We can identify voters by age, gender, propensity to vote, and even political ideology. This allows us to cater our message to a specific group of people to get better engagement and turnout.
DCC Organization
The DCC does its work through several standing committees. Our committees work in the areas of fundraising, communications, governance, candidate recruitment and training, legislation review, resolutions, community engagement, voter registration and public events. Over the years, some committees have been retired, others have been added, some are still in place, and some have been resurrected. But they all help the DCC meet its goals.
Any Placer County Democrat can volunteer to work with our committees. This is a great way to take a more active role in our Democratic process.
DCC members and volunteers
In my time with the DCC, I have always been surrounded by dedicated, passionate volunteers. They have always stepped up in support of our candidates, and have come forward to participate in DCC events when called upon. They bring a variety of skills and abilities to the DCC. One thing all our volunteers have in common is their dedication to our mission and our party.
Currently, there are open spots on our DCC representing District 5. It's an excellent opportunity for someone to join the DCC and contribute to its success.
Looking forward
Things will continue to change in the days ahead. I look forward to seeing what the Placer DCC does to meet new challenges. This is a good time to be a Placer County Democrat.