The Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMs), our opportunity to directly affect the work of the California Democratic Party, are almost here. The Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) are part of the decision-making body of our Democratic Party. These delegates are elected directly by the Democratic voters in their Assembly Districts to be our voice in the policies and initiatives of our party. We often hear that democracy is not a spectator sport, and our participation in this process is key to infusing party policy debates with the hard-earned knowledge and insights of our grassroots volunteers.
If you registered to vote-by-mail, you’ve received your PIN and will receive your ballot soon. Ballots returned by mail must be received by CADEM on or before January 31, 2023. Any ballot received after that date will not be counted.
If you’d prefer to drop off your ballot, vote in person, or didn’t register to vote-by-mail, you can attend an in-person ADEM event. You can pre-register for in-person voting or attend one of the ADEM events. The Assembly District 5 event will be held from 10 AM—2 PM on Saturday, January 22, 2023, at the Granite Bay Library, 6475 Douglas Blvd. Granite Bay, CA 95746. Ballots returned at an ADEM Meeting must be dropped in a ballot box prior to the close of that meeting.
A list of candidates and more information can be found on the CADEM website.