Beware the Religious Extremists, Masquerading in Christian Clothing


Deana Rhoades

1st Vice-Chair, PCDP

Freedom from religious persecution was of such importance to the creators of our country that they enshrined the 1st Amendment to our Constitution to afford each of us total individual rights to religious choice.  Americans deeply cherish this uniquely democratic right.  On 9/11, when religious terrorists attacked our country, we all came together to recover and to repair our nation.  We denounced these atrocious acts as unrepresentative of any religious doctrines, and recognized these were purely acts of violence and hate, trying to hide under the cover of religion.

Today, in Placer County, we are under attack again by religious extremists.  These attacks are much more insidious!  Now they live among us, hiding under the clothing of Christian believers.  Instead of planes, they have hijacked our public-school boards.  There is nothing Christian about the things they say and do.  Their actions are rooted in racism, homophobia, misogyny, and patriarchy.  They are intent on destroying the public-school systems, piece by piece, until there is no money left in the coffers and no teachers or staff left, except those that will adhere to their doctrine of hate.  Their goal is to force all children to grow up in the very restrictive environment they envision for a compliant population.

This is not American.  Nor is it Christian.  This is fascism.  It is imperative that we see it for what it is, an attack on the freedoms we hold most dear; we must exorcise this demonic despotism from our school boards.  Demand that the leadership protect your children’s rights to a thorough and accurate education in a safe learning environment, free from religious extremism as our Constitution requires.  Elect school board leaders who will put the needs of your children foremost, free from religious indoctrination.