Terry P Rodriguez
PCDCC Legislation Committee Chair
The California Democratic Party Legislation Committee (CADEM LC) convened their initial session of the 2023-2024 term during the CADEM E-Board Conference recently held in Visalia, CA in August of this year. CADEM LC is a standing committee tasked with reviewing legislations submitted to them for endorsement consideration by the California Democratic Party (CADEM). This establishes a list of those measures representing their positions on issues they want passed by our State Legislature.
CADEM LC recently updated their by-laws allowing California Democratic County Central Committees (DCC) to participate in the CADEM legislation process. Under this new rule, our PCDCC submitted their first endorsement request: Senate Bill 238 California Student Teacher Support Grant Program. This measure was accepted for consideration by CADEM LC and recommended to CADEM to endorse. As to the process by which our submission was accepted, we are still learning. What is most important, the PCDCC are now participants on the CADEM LC endorsement level.
The PCDCC supports all legislation endorsed by CADEM under this process. Democrats are tasked with promoting the passage of these sets of legislation through their various organizations and media to encourage voters to elect Democratic representatives into office. Essentially, this is the mantle of the California Democratic Party.
The CADEM Visalia E-Board Conference slate of legislation recommended for support is currently awaiting CADEM endorsement. This list can be found on the organization’s website at https://cadem.org/standing-committee/legislation-committee/. When finalized for endorsement, Democrats on all levels of our party must obligate themselves individually, by groups, or organizational to select legislation(s) among those that become CADEM endorsed measures to champion to our electorate. Through the strength of your voice(s), it gives our legislative representatives’ constituent strength toward aiding them in enacting these measures into law.
The PCDCC became one of many of those voices participating in this process as the messenger of legislative accomplishments on serving our community. CADEM endorsed measures enacted into law by the voices of Democratic Party support, that benefit the people of California, showcases factual evidence, that Democrats Deliver.